Saturday, April 15, 2006

Peculiar day.

So I spent much of my day off just reading. Lying in bed reading. Sitting on the sofa reading. Reading. And watching TV. :) I watched Days of Our Lives so now I know what is going on and won't have to watch again for another 4 - 5 months. (side note, there is this really really terrible commercial going on on TV right now that is one of those craptastic local kind. But I digress. And a 2nd digression, I'm watching 28 days right now and this one scene has been edited out that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The scene where they are making wishes and in the original the gay one asks for his foreskin back, but in the edited version he asks for the Abba box set. That's weird. I wouldn't have thought foreskin would be something so controversial.)ANYWAY...

I headed out to catch the bus to run multiple errands. I've gotten really lazy about using the flexcar lately so I was on the bus. Bought the ferrets new treats and headed over to Target. I had a few things to pick up. I'm barely in the front door when I run into our current student worker. We chat and then proceed to shop together. She is quite the talker. Which is good, actually, because I am quite not the talker. We were talking about eating and she was hungry, as was I so we ended up going to get dinner together. We chatted over dinner, hit the Cold Stone for some ice cream and then she dropped me home. (That was nice, not having to ride the bus. :) I feel sad for her a little bit. She doesn't have a lot of friends. I don't but I'm okay with that, I would rather do things alone. She wouldn't. (Ok it was the 4th mention of not having people to hang out with today that made me say oh we should go to dinner.)

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