Friday, December 08, 2006

His benefits are cut off...

One of the associate directors at my college works in a department where they have access to these rather cool jackets. My coworker has been bugging him about them saying she wants one. Well today he came through for our department. Unfortunately, in his world, our department consists of her, the recruiter, the biggest boss and Isa. There are 3 other members of the team that he neglected. My feelings are hurt. And I'm offended. He said it was a thank you for all the hard work the department does for his department. Uh hello... who helped him when he had a new baby and put the new baby on the plan etc? I'm so cutting off all his benefits.

I think for dinner tonight I'm going to use the left over broth from a bowl of tortilla soup I had yesterday for lunch and mix in chicken and fresh tortillas. (Ooh and more cheddar cheese) Yum. :)

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