Friday, January 04, 2008

Smugpants gets punished

I was feeling all smug because I didn't catch Michelle's cold over Christmas break. Heh. Ask me today about sneezing and tired and well really just the sneezing. I definitely don't think I have it too terribly badly. I haven't even broken out the medicine yet. I'm hoping I don't have to...

Also I was feeling pretty groovy about my tattoo. No problems blah blah blah... Today and yesterday. Itchy. So much itchy I just want to spend the whole day just scratching the hell out of my chest. According to google, this is normal. I don't remember it with my back one but whatever. Also is normal the faint peeling that it is doing. Good to know because I didn't remember that with my back either. Of course it could've but how would I have known since it was on my back.


Unknown said...

It scabs over, which is what makes it itch and peel. Once the scab comes off on it's own (don't help it along), it will stop itching and peeling. Good luck!

Peeved Michelle said...

Benadryl Allergy & Cold
Vicks nose spray

Also, Bryan didn't get it nearly as bad as I did, which is weird since he usually gets things worse.