Friday, July 02, 2004

Timmy missed me!

Awww. that's so exciting! So either his life is not better than mine, or his job is as boring if not more boring than mine. :)

All sorts of not particularly exciting things have been happening this week.

Wednesday (I think it was) I fell asleep on my sofa at 7:30... woke up at 8:30... went into the bedroom to put on jammies... lay on the bed fell back asleep until 9:00 tried to get up and come watch TV and finally gave in at 9:30 and went to bed for real. Woke up at 5:00 the next morning feeling rather crappy from too much sleep.

The reason I haven't been logging in and blogging lately though is that my left eye has been bothering me a great deal. Apparently I have a sub somethingorother irritation. My left eye is all very pink/red and actually rather painful. It feels like there is a huge amount of pressure behind the eye as well. It started last Thursday and wasn't terrible, but kept getting worse and worse. I finally went to the eye doctor yesterday. It has been over 2 years since I've been to the eye doctor and I had almost forgotten how much I hate that whole experience of "Which one's better 1 or 2... 2 or 3... 3 or 4..." You feel like maybe if you answer wrong it will be a really bad thing. He also spent a lot of time looking at my left eye and that's what he came up with... A sub somethingorother irritation. Basically between the 1st & 2nd layers of the eye. He gave me some drops and sent me about my merry way. Since it has been over 2 years and my glasses needs have changed I decided to get a new pair. This is DIFFICULT. The glasses I like are more than the $115 my insurance allows and honestly anything more than that is more than I went to spend. After 45 minutes of the little helper guy suggesting things and me rejecting them (really purple? what am I 9?? Tortise shell cat's eye, am I my mother circa 1968??). I finally settled on a pair that I don't think look hideous. (Funny side note... little helper guy had a tongue piercing that I think was new because he was having difficulty talking). So Thursday night I start putting the new drops in. Two drops every 4 hours. Thursday evening I was in so much pain I was lying on the sofa with a warm rag over my left eye. Didn't help and ended up having to take pain medication. No improvement today so I called the Dr and now have newer stronger drops. Lucky me.

I was dealt with some sad news Wednesday evening. My Fred Meyers is closing down. I love Fred Meyers. Once this shop closes down I'm going to have to leave the downtown/ Capital hill area to shop for the basic beauty necessities: shampoo, conditioner, soap etc. Grocery stores and drug stores are all rather expensive for these supplies. At least QFC (owned by the same parent co as Fred Meyers) is keeping the same rock & twig section so I'll still be able to get my GF food without too much trouble.

My coworker and I have changed up our gym schedule. I'm now leaving for the gym at like 5:50 AM to get there at about 6:15. (I walk and have stop lights and all that). We then shower at the gym. This is traumatizing to me. I am not a big fan of being naked in public. Even if that public is only the women's locker room at my university. (I throw this in just for Timmy)... It is so daunting to shower around all the perfect little college girl coeds who are all of 18ish and skinny. (honestly, though, at 7:00 in the morning they aren't there thank goodness because then I would really be neurotic about showering at the gym). But this shower switch now gives us about 45 minutes of a workout. I actually did 3 sets of ten leg lifts on the roman chair... 2 of those sets being legs straight out kind and not knee curl up kind.

Whee it is 8:00 and time for my next round of new eye drops...

1 comment:

TIMMY! said...

woo hooo!!! welcome back....

and thank you for the public shower comment...I feel so special, and not the little yellow bus type of special like I normally do.