Friday, July 21, 2006

A brief snapshot into my mornings

Every morning I walk out of my building and head up the hill to go to work. I then wait to cross the street at the longest stoplight known to man. It is so bad I once ran it red when driving because I had sat there for about 10 minutes while watching the walk sign go from walking man to blinking hand (usually indicates a light is about to change) and then back to walking man. I gave up. It was after 11:00 PM and nobody was around. I'm a rebel, yo. But I digress. As I cross the street I walk past the same 3 guys every day. Scooter guy rides a scooter (duh) the kid kind not the Vespa kind. Every day he goes hurtling down a hill at breakneck speed and I always wonder to myself how many pairs of shoes he must go through in a year since every morning he is using his foot to slow himself down a'la Fred Flintstone. There's this other guy I walk past with long dreadlocks. Every morning he is on the phone. Who could he possibly be calling at 7:40 every morning? It is so weird. The third guy I walk past I always vaguely wonder if he is gay. I saw him this morning riding his motorcycle without a helmet. Now I just think he may be dumb. :)

I decided to take 'the southern' route to work today bypassing the hospitals and instead walking past a park and several more apartment buildings on my treelined walk. I watched several squirrels frolicing (and that's not a euphamism they were just playing). Whenever I walk this route it feels like I'm going to work on the wrong day because there's not a lot of action on the street. There's more people and activity along the 'northern' route. (They really aren't north/south routes since I have to walk UP to Madison I consider that north vs staying down on Union (or University I can never remember which is which) hence that one is south :) Don't question my logic.) I missed the guy who walks the big guard dog, usually I see him in the AM too. The dog guards the fancy schmancy car dealership near the U. (Cars shown by appointment only.) And after a brief jaunt past random homeless guy I was at work. I like the morning walks. (The evening ones not so much but only because right now it is hot by then.)

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