Thursday, October 13, 2005

Vaguely troubled

I got an email from one of my kids' moms this morning (for the group that I lead that sells addictive cookies in the spring). I peeved about it, but it has been troubling me all day. The mom said that the other moms have been talking about things they want changed for the coming year. All of her suggestions were nothing too dramatic, but it has been bothering me all day. (Mostly because honestly, I can't let things go. I know this. I'm aware. I don't know if that's something you can start doing or if it is just a personality trait and I'm stuck with it.) I think it bothers me because I'm taking it as a criticism that I'm a bad leader. I don't necessarily think that's their intent, but that's how it feels to me. (Have I ever mentioned I'm neurotic? :P) The changes they want...
  • They want to do more outside activities. I've got no issue with that (although they bitch and moan about driving places so...) .
  • They want the girls to do more of the planning. That's actually where I was already going since starting this year they are more responsible for the planning. That's the ultimate goal, by the time they're in high school the girls do all the planning. And I told them this the end of last year.
  • They want to have a calendar of when stuff will be worked. I can do that too. (That's been a goal of mine, but at the same time, I'm lazy and I've got other stuff going on so I tend not to do that.)
  • They want to meet bi-monthly. I've suggested that in the past and been shot down, so that one's never been me.

None of this is earth shattering, yet why do I feel so defensive?


Kate the Peon said...

1. Because they talked to each other about the group you run without letting you know that they were talking about it.

2. Because they didn't ask for your input or let you know they had suggestions, or even ask what you had planned for this year.

3. Because they are rude evil people who want to raise their girls the same way and see you as a threatening, 'nice' influence.

... said...

I would feel offended too but I would also be writing them an email right away back stating pretty much everything you said here...I tend to just confront things so I don't worry over them for days (because I would otherwise).

Since you guys are on the same page, it should be easy to just let them know that most of the stuff they are discussing, has either already been put into motion on your end or you have plans to do so.

At the end, I would say that if they had spoke to you about wanting a meeting to discuss this kind of thing, they would have known that (but that is just me..have to get the little stab in that they were inconsiderate to have a meeting about you and your group without you being in attendance.)

Sounds like the type of moms that I can't stand to be know the ones, want their kids to be perfect but really don't want to put out too much effort to do anything about it but blame other people for falling short of expectations?

Joanne said...

I did email the mom immediately and tell her a lot of this was already on board. They didn't have to have a meeting about me, they are all friends and see and talk to each other all the time. That's the benefit of such a small troop, they sit and chat during the meetings while we do our GS stuff. They are good moms, and I usually like them, but this isn't the first time something like this has happened and I think that is what helped to annoy me. Last year, the girls wanted to do a slumber party in a hotel instead of camping. I went with it because the moms seemed to think it was a good idea. Around May they decided that it wasn't a good idea and they now wanted to camp. So this year the girls brought up the slumber party idea again and I said talk to your mothers becuse I'll do what ever y'all want me to do. (I'm done being annoyed this morning anyway. I hold on to things for longer than I should but not too long ultimately.)