Saturday, August 09, 2008


I was supposed to go see Michelle and Kenna and Bryan this weekend. Alas, the flight had other plans for me. I got to the airport at 1:20 and was hanging out waiting for my 2:40 flight. The 2:40 flight became a 3:15 flight. The 3:15 flight became a cancelled flight. It took them HOURS to rebook all of us and I was booked onto the last flight out of Seattle that would get me to LAX at 1:00 AM. In between I had tried calling my sister about 15 million times. I finally got ahold of her at 7:30, about 30 minutes before my flight was due to leave. She did a bunch of checking and discovered that although my flight was only 1 overbooked like the CSR told me... there were 11 people ahead of me on the stand by list. There was no way I was making that flight and leaving this morning would've meant getting there after the party so I'm home this weekend. :(

I will say this, I totally went on TSA's website to figure out the best way to take my liquid cough medicine because it is in a 4 oz bottle. They said to declare it at security and give it to an agent to examine. I tried that. The guy looked at me like I was crazy and made me put it through the x-ray without even looking at it. I feel oh so much safer now TSA.


Kate the Peon said...

That totally sucks, Jo. :(

Anonymous said...

So disappointing :( Maybe we will come visit you instead :)

Jodi said...

What a bummer. : (