Friday, September 18, 2009

A tale of two interviews

I had two phone interviews today that couldn't possibly have been for more different jobs and couldn't possibly have been more different interviews. The funny thing is that I had an idea in my head about which job I wanted and once I was done, I that had flip flopped.

Job 1 - Is a benefits job for a school district on the east coast. The woman questioned me for over an hour with the most weird questions I've ever had, some of which, in retrospect, totally not necessarily legal. Among the questions asked - what beliefs do I have that are unshakable? What organizations do I belong to? What awards have I won? She also asked if I considered myself a perfectionist, how honest am I on a scale of 1 - 5, how do I show people I'm honest... and on and on. It seemed rather rote and not at all interactive. If I don't get called back for that one I won't be very sad. It would definitely be a safe job and I don't think a lot of innovation or creativity or thought will be required from me.

Job 2 - Is a benefits job for a company that is established but not very. When I did the phone screen, I thought I wasn't what they were looking for and I wouldn't get a 2nd call. I was really surprised when I did. This interview was much more conversatinal in tone. The woman seemed to want to be sure I knew what I would be getting into and asking about philosophies of benefits and what not. It got me really excited for what I do. I have forgotten how cool and fun benefits can be. Michelle posted an article to twitter earlier today about how non-profits abhor change. It was an incredibly true sentiment. We've spent years trying to get programs or policies passed and the ideas just die in committee. I would get to help build a benefits program from the ground up and that's just interesting and exciting. The best part about this interview... the very best part... I got called an hour and a half after the interview ended to come down for a face to face interview. On Tuesday. *cough cough* That was an awesome feeling... that someone thinks I can do my job well and wants me. The negative to the job... it is in a place that is not on the approved list. I'd either have to move again after Michelle & Fam did or I would have to just not live near them. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself. Another interview is not getting hired so I shouldn't count my chickens. It'll just break my heart.

1 comment:

Kate the Peon said...

Good luck! Keep us posted.