Wednesday, September 05, 2007

ALL or is it Cheer?

I think my new laundry detergent is making me itch. I was just sitting here dying... my shoulders and back and chest were driving me nuts with itchyness. Removal of the bra and t-shirt seems to have alleviated the problem. (That last part may be TMI.)


Stephen said...

Reminds me of our coast trip where I pummeled and flummoxed by the skeeters. Couldn't sleep. Could barely eat and work.

Luckily, the ones from Florida aren't nearly as bad!

Peeved Michelle said...

Do you buy the dye-free, scent-free kind? That really helped with Bryan's itchiness.

Unknown said...

I switched to ALL Free Clear because Tide made me break out in a rash occasionally. I've been rash and itch-free since the switch. I recommend it!

Lucy Dee said...

You should try Gain. Ironically, I just came back from doing laundry, to beat the weekend rush! Anyway, let me know how it works out.

And feel free to stop by my corner of the blogosphere. I'm a budding standup comedienne from NYC, blogging her way to stardom.

Nice to make your acquaintance!

Anonymous said...

My daughter has that problem. I can only use Tide on her clothes.

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