Thursday, September 27, 2007


Subtitled: Damn why didn't I buy the ticket already??

My mom wants me to come to visit them for Thanksgiving. Allegedly the whole family will be there... including my niece who I haven't seen since the Christmas before her mom died... that was 5 years ago. She was 11 or 12 then. Now, for those of you who are semi regular readers, you may or may not remember the Christmas visit debacle of a couple years ago. Seriously, we were the white trashiest family ever... screaming at each other in the front yard. Clearly we've patched things up and maybe now that we are both 2 years older and wiser we can get along, but who knows.

BUT... I usually go to Michelle's for Thanksgiving. We shop the day after. We may be going to get new tattoos... It will definitely be more fun. If I had already bought the LA ticket, this wouldn't even be a question - I'd have an excuse premade, but I haven't. (And I didn't think quickly enough to lie.) The way my mother asked has just filled me with guilt, too. She was trying to be all cas... Fuck. I think I have to go.


Stephen said...

If you can go, and you are interested, then you should consider it.

If you already have other plans, or you are not interested, then say no thanks for this opportunity. And let her know there are other holidays in the future.

As far as growing or maturing, I can speak from past experience (of white trash fun). Sometimes people don't change. They just get weary of the same stupidity. We may be the same people with the same personality dynamics, but we're too tired to pull the same stunts.

I think it's more important that you want to go see your family than going out of guilt. If you don't want to be there, they'll pick up on it, and even in the best scenario, it won't be enjoyable.

... said...

Yeah, don't let guilt rule you...go if you want to only....otherwise you'll just hold it against them that you are there instead of with Michelle.

Oh, and I applaud you even thinking about flying anywhere during Tday and Christmas....I don't do it unless I am forced to...haha.