Friday, November 28, 2003

I AM BORED. So apparently in my OLD age I have lost the ability to entertain myself. At about 7:45 this evening, I decided I didn't want to watch TV anymore so I figured I would wander around the apartment and find something to do. Thus far I have done (notice not COMPLETED) the following -
1. Cleaned out my clothes from the closet to get rid of some. Now they are piled on my bed in anticipation of me finally allowing myself to go to bed and putting them all back on the hangers.
2. Knitting - I've done two more rows.
3. Cleaning the bathroom - I cleaned the toilet and the mirror, then decided I didn't want to do it anymore.
4. Puzzle - I poured all these puzzle pieces on the floor to do a puzzle and realized I didn't have the attention span needed to actually DO anything.
5. Lay on bed stare at newly painted walls. This actually took up quite a bit of time and is obviously highly important.

I didn't want to go out tonight because I'm feeling very very poor. I think in January (the dumbest time ever I know) I am going to have to look for a 2nd job. I love the one I have too much to quit, but as much as I thought I could, I can't live on what I earn. This is depressing on so many levels. Especially considering that my rent is going up. Now here's where I'm confused... I thought once I signed a lease that ensured that my rent would NOT go up in the year I was under the lease. Apparently I am deluded and have no idea the purpose of a lease. I'm so glad useless gayboy landlord put the note on my door today, you know, as opposed to yesterday when it would've ruined my holiday. Whatever... I feel I must interject at this point that my landlord is not useless because he is gay, but entirely because he is USELESS. It has been something like 3 months since I signed my new lease and he was supposed to make a copy and give it to me. So far, no copy. Jackass.

In other news, I'm giving up cable in about 4 days. This could prove traumatizing, but we shall see. According to Valdosia (?), Fallopia (?), Glendimir (?) what's that boy's name? ;) we get basic cable for free in the apartment. We'll see if that works. There could be MANY more of these posts if he is wrong. I just can't justify the expense anymore. They've raised the rates like twice since I got it. That's a racket I want to get into. Cable... I wonder how one does that? I bet I could make money with that. Otherwise I have to find a way... Part of me secretly hopes that my boss's husband gets this job he is interviewing for and that it provides enough money and benefits so that she won't come back to work after her baby is born. I WANT HER JOB! I want it very very badly. I'm not used to this poverty and I do not like it one bit. I think beloved bronco needs brakes and that seriously stresses me out. (Obviously since I don't want to go careening into a person and especially since the longer I let it go the more damage is probably being done and the more it will cost to repair. Should've just gotten them fixed to begin with.)

In other news... vacation in less than a month. Yippee for me! I can't wait! That's all for now kiddos, tah tah!

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