Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Crazy dreams

I had a dream that I was at the Pioneer Woman's house. I don't know why I thought it was hers but it was in my head. But I wasn't there as a guest of her, it was like I knew a person who knew a person so we were there. She introduced around a bunch of people. Then they all left and for some reason I was on my own. In the foyer I could sense ghosts. So then I end up in a sort of telekenetic battle to get the ghosts out of the house. And it is all very ghostbustery but without the ghostbuster tools. I don't even know how to describe it but the room is whirling around and kind of gray and green and purple. But I win against the ghosts and they all leave. So trippy. Maybe it was my potato & chicken casserole that gave me weird dreams...

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