Saturday, January 05, 2008


(What would y'all do?)

Whilst walking home from Stephen's car tonight I noticed something shiny on the ground. It was an ipod mini. I picked it up and looked at it and continued into my building with it (it was 1:15, there was nobody on the street who potentially could've dropped it). It seemed to be stuck but I did that thing where you push the top and the center button and it totally reset. Do I

A - Turn it in to the police station?
B - Advertise in lost & found on Craigslist and in the paper and in my apartment building?
C - Turn it in to the police station and advertise on craigslist and the paper that it was found and turned in to the police station?


Unknown said...

Is there anyway for someone to identify that it's absolutely theirs? If you reset it, I'm guessing not. In which case, it's not at all helpful to advertise it because you'll get everyone and their brother saying it's theirs. I'd probably just keep it.

Stephen said...

You'll never find the one true owner... too many charlatans. Decide if you want to keep it, sell it, or give it to someone who needs it (charity).

Police station, craiglist, and ad are all methods of giving it to random charlatan. I seriously doubt police have time/space to hold on to every knick knack.

Kate the Peon said...

I say B, unless Sheesh is right, and resetting it means all the tunes that were on it are now gone.

If that's the case, I'd congratulate you on your new ipod!

If that's not the case, then I'd use the music as identification tools.

Peeved Michelle said...

If there are tunes on it, I would advertise in Craiglist and your building (one flier by the mailboxes). Just say iPod on such and such street and if someone gives you enough identifying info, then give it to them. If no tunes, then I say just in your building and still just say iPod and make them identify. Hardly anyone has a mini anymore, so I don't someone would guess a mini and the correct the color of it.

Mine has my name engraved on the back. When I get a new one, maybe I will have my email address engraved on the back.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of using the music on it to identify the kind of person who owns it. If you like the music, track down the owner using Craigslist and flyers in the 'hood. You could be nice, or you could say, "I iz holding your ipod hostage..."