Lyday and I went camping Friday - Sunday morning. We went to
Battle Ground Lake State Park. It definitely was cold. Saturday's high was 51 degrees. It was fun, though. I had a good time and really liked the place we were at. It had several trails. We spent two hours hiking around on Saturday early afternoon. When we got back we had a campfire. We went into town for dinner with a friend of Lyday's and that was fun too.

My new tent. My mom sent it to me for Christmas. I had never set it up before. When I opened it I discovered that the cables that hold the poles together in one long pole were all broken. So we had to put each individual segment together and push the pole through the sleeve. It wasn't insurmountable, but it was annoying.

Broken cord.

Early in the morning I got up before Lyday and went walking down to the lake. A dad and his son were fishing. It's very cute to me.

The lake. It is very pretty. There is swimming and apparently when it is open for summer, there are paddle boats that can be rented. Now I want to go back in the summer.

We hiked both the high lake trail and the regular lake trail. While on the trail, we saw a bald eagle flying. That was seriously awesome. I've seen them before in the wild in Alaska.

Another shot of the lake. There were a lot of people fishing. It seems to be THE place to fish. I talked to a lot of the different people asking how they did. Most had not caught much, or had just gotten there.

Tree hugger!

Another side of the lake. It wasn't a huge lake, but it was pretty.

Bat box! I like bat boxes mostly becacuse I like bats. There weren't any up in the box though.

This rock and fern section was so cool. I really liked the cascade of rocks.

Rocky! The rock looks like a person. And it was pretty.
Campfire. I always take a picture of my camp fire because I'm always a little amazed that I can make one. :)

In all my scout camp years, I wore the same sweatshirt and I would put up the hood and pull it tight around my face. It kept me really warm. I used that technique again camping. Seriously you stay warm.

On Saturday Lyday decided she needed an air mattress. So she bought one. You can tell she is much happier with the air mattress than the thin camping pad. :)
Looks like fun! I'd kill for 55 degree weather right now. :(
those are pretty photos, i like bats too. i have one up and one that is on the list to be put up :)
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