Friday, October 06, 2006

Karmic balance ass kicking continued

So yesterday I had this meeting and it was our first of the year and I'm the new service unit manager and I'm all excited and I buy treats and doorprizes and 3 people show up. THREE PEOPLE SHOWED UP! Fuckers. And just to illustrate how fuckers the rest are... 1 was a new troop leader who doesn't even have a troop yet. One lives around the block from the church. One is the registrar who was there to pick up troop registrations. Fuckers all the other ones.

But yesterday I also picked up my new glasses. Yay! They are essentially the same as my old ones except copper in color. 0ooh they're the titanium kind that means I can twist them so that's cool. So there's a good.

This morning while showering a tile hurled itself off the bathroom wall and hit me in the calf. There are others threatening to follow and what looks like mold behind the tiles. Fuck. I will be spending this weekend cleaning my apartment's ass off so I can call the manager to fix it.

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