Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Tattoo Picture

This may be more personal than you all want to see but that's the new tattoo (Actually, oh please it isn't like there's a nip in the shot. :) ) I like it.


Stephen said...

Obviously, a leather bra would be an appropriate accessory.

Congrats! I'll have to get mine in the next few months... before summer fun.

DD said...

Did you get to wear a robe while getting it done? I'm ig'nant, so pardon the question if it appears stupid.

I like it.

Kate the Peon said...

I like, I like!

Peeved Michelle said...

I like that we can still see the lines from your bra so that we can get a good idea of exactly where this is on your chest.

Joanne said...

DD, I wore a button down shirt of Michelle's that I unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of but still had the bottom buttons done up so I wasn't totally flashing the entire tattoo parlor.

Anonymous said...

holy cow, did you cry when they were doing it? that's a sensitive area there.

very pretty, a horseshoe right? i'm guessing there is a deep meaning that you are "representin'" yo.