Space Mountain at night. I was pleased with the way some of my night shots turned out since I turned off the flash. I balanced the camera on a rail by the monorail where we were waiting to catch a monorail back to Downtown Disney to go to the Simba parking lot. This was one gripey thing my dad complained about, quite a bit actually. He has difficulty with mobility and at their home he uses a scooter. They didn't end up bringing it because of the weight of the van when packed with all their crap (seriously... 3 suitcases between my parents, just my parents! This doesn't even take into consideration the somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 cases of soda, 2 or 3 cases of juice and at least 1 case of snapple and 1 case of water. It isn't like we were going on a trek in the Andes for 6 months although you'd think we were with that much beverage). So the Simba parking lot is where our car got directed and that is on the other side of Downtown Disney which is a long ass walk for someone with mobility issues. As we walked he just bitched more and more about it, so I flagged down a passing security guard and asked if we could get some help. He was really helpful and got us a wheelchair to use until we got to the gate. He told us that we should use the monorail in the evening.

They redid the castle for the 50th. I really liked how it looked.
Pops and mom eating a beignet in New Orleans Square. (Yes my dad really does look like Grizzly Adams, or sometimes Santa depending. Although for this trip he did go and get his pony tail cut off so we should all be thrilled. I'm sure my mom was. He's looked like this at least since I was in college because one of the first things that Michelle said to me when she met him was "You never told me your dad was Gentle Ben.")

Another one of my night shots taken from the monorail. This is of the Matterhorn. I like the spookiness of the mountain.
Me and my idol Mary Poppins. Oh and my niece. I wonder if Mary can straighten my niece out.

My sis, nephew and niece waiting to go on autopia the first time. We rode it twice the first day.
Niece and my favorite Princess Belle. I got a pic with her but I think it is on my sister's camera.
My niece and the wicked queen from Snow White. My older sister loved all the villians.
Another one of my night shots without the flash on. I managed to take many cool pics of the fireworks. They were all taken with me just holding the camera. I was pleased with how well some of them came out since you have to be very still because the camera lens is open longer for the extra light.
I don't even remember saying that. When I was looking at the picture of your parents, I was thinking that they looked so different. I thought your dad had a big bushy beard. Also, I think your mom had bigger, fluffier hair.
She did have bigger fluffier hair. She had realtor hair. My pops still has a beard (you can't see it in the pic) but he grooms it better now than he did back then.
Night shots can be tricky, but yours look great! I really like the castle and other decorations they've done for the 50th too.
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