Saturday, March 11, 2006

T - 8 hours and counting

Until I head out for the Great American Family Vacation that may kill me. Actually that's a bad attitude to have going in. Until I head out for the Great American Family Vacation. I have to think positive and practice all the breathing and yoga I learned in the last 3 months (oh and pack the rum). Also I may swim in the mornings since the parks themselves do not open up until like 9 or 10. Currently laundry is washing and I am searching for a flexcar for the 3 hours between 9 & 12. That is easier said than done I'm afraid, but I need to get ferret treats for the kits while I'm gone and I think I need a new suitcase. I could easily go down to Ross for one, but the ferret treats are kind of hard to come by in this neighborhood. All the pet stores around me are so speciesist. I may also pick up a book at Target (where I'm going for the suitcase) since the book that I had from the library that I was going to take with me is missing the first 35 pages. I guess I shall have to point that out to the library since no one else has seen fit to do so. Blargh! I think I'm just going down to Ross. Sorry kittens. Aha! Success. One I have never known about but it is 6 blocks up the road. I guess the kit will get mallow treats after all. (Yes I leave the kits by themselves while I'm on vacay. I'm a bad pet owner. Seriously they are rather self sufficient. I just get treats to hide in the apartment for them while I'm gone.)


Unknown said...

First of all, I'm in the office right now. I came in because there are a couple of things that needed to get done on Friday but I didn't have enough time to do all the crazy crap I had to do plus answer the phones and otherwise provide the sort of customer service that is expected of me.

I was really going to work, but I sort of realize sitting here that I kinda am tired of slaving away for almost no benefit and I think I'm going to go home instead of getting the work done. I won't put the 30 minutes I spent here thinking about this on my timesheet, though. :)

Secondly, if I liked ferrets and you would allow me inside your apartment I might be willing to ferret-sit for you. As it is, you're probably SOL.

God help you on your vacation. I sort of wish I was taking a break myself.

If I haven't motivated myself to get some work done by the time I finish this cup of tea, I'm outta here.

Goose Mickey for me.

Kate the Peon said...

Best of luck, Jo. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you survive.

Robin said...

Have a great time! I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy....

... said...

I know you will find some positive aspects even if they almost drive you mad. Have fun, maybe you will get to enjoy some nice weather.