I've lumped all the other places we went to into one post since I didn't have a lot of pics of those places. For one thing, we only went to those places for 1 day and by Friday I was sick and exhausted and taking pictures was the last thing on my mind.

We stalked Snoopy to get this pic. This one made my sister happy. :)

Shamu! Jump shamu jump!

Elephant is getting a penny pressed. My sister loves these a lot. She gets tons of them wherever we go. I like them because they are inexpensive and cute little souveniers.

The penguin encounter! They are so cute!

Favorite niece (who is under 15 which is what I referred to her as) and favorite nephew feeding the bat rays. There were several places to feed animals and we fed squid to the bat rays which was really cool. They would come up to you in the water and slap with their wings splashing us with water. The sea gulls are really aggressive. While my niece was trying to feed the seals, a gull grabbed a fish right out of her hand. It startled her and cracked my nephew and I up. It was hysterical. She also tossed a fish to a seal and a gull swooped down and grabbed it out of the air.

Elephant is a musher!

Elephant was trying to decide where we were going. She studied the map at Sea World.

A rare moment of peace between my niece and nephew. They spent much of the trip picking on each other and then running behind a grown up for protection. It was enough to make me a little bit crazy.

The new baby panda at the San Diego Zoo! So cute. Apparently they are taught early on by their mommas to climb trees so that if threatened they can climb out of the way. They can go up to smaller and higher branches than their predators and be safe. My mom was thrilled to get to see the pandas.
You got some awesome pics Joanne, glad you had fun. Looks like a great time.
Yes, your pics are great.
Thanks! I have a bunch more that I was working on putting up on snapfish last night. Maybe I'll succumb to the flickr pressure and put them there.
What a fun vacation! Disney! Snoopy! (my fave) Penquins! Bat rays! Baby Panda! Good times.
Yay...flickr! Do it!
Wow, it looks like you had way more fun than you expected too! The feeding tanks were totally cool.
I had to laugh at your elephant pictures. We have a monkey that goes everywhere with us and gets in the funniest pictures.
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