Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I AM judgy

You ever have one of those conversations with a person and think, "Oh my god, are you really saying this?" (Completely and totally unrelated, if I weren't such a hippie about things I think I totally would've found my new car. Apparently some new fancypants lexus parallel parks itself. I don't know how to parallel park for anything, this could be awesome for me). Ok back to the tale of the Oh my god are you really saying this? Moral Turpitude and I were instant messaging this evening and he emails me a picture of a girl he's communicating with. She lives in Russia. So I make some comment about wouldn't it be easier to find a woman, you know, where he lives and not one internationally. Apparently he found her on a marriage site. She is one of 3 he is communicating with. Now this is weird for so many reasons, but the number one reason being that he just broke up with someone not 2 weeks ago because he was still hung up on this other girl. The funny thing is that before he told me the whole thing I made some snarky comment about yes marrying some chick from another country you don't know would be the solution to all your problems. And he asked me what problems? What problems? Is he serious? I deferred back to him and agreed with him... he has no problems. Freakin' weirdo.


... said...

Sounds like he should stay away from women for a while...even internet ones.

Peeved Michelle said...

MT is going to get a mail order bride? That actually might be the best thing for him.

Kate the Peon said...

Am I the only one who smells a happy ending here?