(Did anyone else notice that the word civic is a palindrome? I just noticed it now.)
So today was the Seattle Paint Out and I went with a group from my employer. While I was out working on a sign, an older gentleman came over and talked to me. I made the comment that the legal grafitti really bothers me. And that the sign should've been taken down in 06 and didn't belong up anymore. (That's what I mean by legal grafitti... it did have a purpose but then nobody removes the signs when the time is up.) He makes the comment that they could check to see if the land use permit was still outstanding. And I commented that we shouldn't have to deal with this stuff, the companies should take care of their own stuff.
Little did I know that I was talking to the mayor. Whoops! :)

So today's Paint Out was fun but frustrating. They started late. There was no organization into groups happening. We had to come back at 11 (and we barely left the firestation by 10) for a photo op with the mayor. They were going to make us go back and then come back at 12:00 for lunch, but the pizza had been delivered and mob rule overtook the leaders. We ate. Then we went out for more clean up. In about an hour and a half we cleaned about 1 and a half blocks. Sad. But there is so much on those blocks. I'd have more success turning the tide.
I'm not 100% sure I'll continue to do this. I like the cleaning up part, I like making a difference but the disorganization of the events really overrule my enjoyment in doing it. I don't like standing around with nothing to do or not knowing what is supposed to be going on. (nobody does, I know.)
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