Here are some of the pictures I took while camping. Stephen and I camped at the same place I go to with the girls, Cape Lookout.

Who says you can't have candy for breakfast? We had s'mores as an after breakfast treat. :)

Ben wanted to be buried in the sand. "Dig me in the sand" he'd say. Totally cracked me up.

Here's Ben climbing on rocks. He's quite the adventurer.

In the afternoon, after the beach, we went on the nature trail. It is a 1/4 mile trail that has all sorts of points. There's a map that shows each spot and there are letters to identify each spot. Ben had a grand time racing around the trail and finding his letters. We walked it 3 times before my need to pee intervened.

A cute little mushroom. "If you touch a milky mushroom..." I wish I could remember the words to the fungus song.

There is a word for what these two trees are doing. I forget it already. It is where 2 seeds start next to each other and they basically grow intertwined until one over takes the other. The dark tree is killing the light one.

The ball of plant at the top of this tree is called a fern ball. I just like how tiny this picture makes me feel.

There's a special word for the notch. It is where the wood cutters cut the notch and then put a plank into the notch to stand on while they used a saw to cut down the tree. Interesting that.

Little secret hidey hole. You know how I love those.

This tree fell over. I can't imagine what force it takes for a tree bottom this size to fall over. It was as big as me I think.

Fake hotdogs cooking. They creep me out. They didn't seem to cook the way I'm used to hot dogs cooking, they just seemed to get discolored. Please also notice my awesome fire. I bought fire starters from the ranger station. They ROCKED!

Ben took this picture at the Tilamook Cheese Factory. The factory always photographs yellow like this. I'm not sure what it is in the lighting since it doesn't look like that to the naked eye. You have to turn off the flash to take any pics because otherwise you'd have reflection of the flash off the glass. Ben was kind of fascinated by the factory.
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