Monday, August 13, 2007

Wiped Out

Today I started training the new person. It is exhausting. I talked the whole day long. But I think I'm getting excited about this opportunity.

This weekend I volunteered a lot at The Paramount. I volunteered for the Young Frankenstein show. Megan Mulally is awesome. Actually, the whole cast is really great. I'm not a huge Mel Brooks fan, but I found the show funny. Oh, it also has Andrea Martin who was in Big Fat Greek Wedding and she's hysterical too. This is a preview/premiere before it goes to Broadway. Also, it is so cool that Mel Brooks is in the audience. If you watch the show (here), you can see him dash to the side door during the intermission and just before the true end of the show. And I heard a little rumour that the guy who played Jack in Will & Grace was here Sat night to see Megan's performance. The true premiere is on the 23rd.

I also went into the office and got some work done. I sent out 3 boxes of crap to be recycled. They actually vacuumed my office last night! That never happens. :)

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