I was sitting in my office yesterday after my new faculty orientation and Sideshow Bob came up my stairs and into my office.
Ok it wasn't really Sideshow Bob, but it was this annoying new faculty member who has big Sideshow Bob hair and apparently creates his own job title. He was pleasant enough though and got his form, but it took every ounce of my job professionalism not to call him Sideshow Bob!
I have spent the past several months working on a new faculty orientation. I invited all the profs. I set up the speakers and the rooms and the food and on and on. I've spent the past 2 mornings at the new faculty orientation. Now that it is all done, I know what I need to do next year to make things better, but we did get pretty good reviews on the evaluations I had the new fac do. (Completely unrelated but I'm ever so excited that the 'skinny' pant is back. Goodness knows my wardrobe has been missing those.) I'm really glad it is done, though, since I was at work late on Wednesday night and even later Thursday night. BUT and this is the most important part, I got all but 1 of my new faculty their benefits information. This means more to me than a couple late hours. It means that I don't have to do 25 special appointments that last approximately 45 minutes each. I did run out of time, though, and as time wound down I found myself talking faster and faster and I ended up 25 minutes over my time. I was the last one, though so it wasn't too big a deal except they had to be someplace by noon. Next year apparently I give myself an hour and a half. :)
I'm still addicted to Pirates the computer game I've been playing. That's why I haven't posted much. :)
I got the movie Lonesome Jim from Netflix. I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I put it on the list. I generally don't like indy films. I got about 20 - 30 minutes into the movie where Casey Affleck and some other guy were talking about who was more depressed and I thought now I want to kill myself. That was enough. It may have gotten better but I'll never know. Today I got Mean Girls in the mail. I'm excited for this one. :)
Oh! I took the boot off yesterday. It has been 6 weeks. (Maybe 7 actually). I was doing good yesterday but I skipped it today and perhaps that was too much. I'll wear it tomorrow for my volunteering at the AIDS walk. I think part of the problem was I was standing A LOT today and yesterday. Also I threw out my back on Tuesday morning. It was totally stress related because now it is barely hurting. Stupid body.
1 comment:
Yay for a new post! Mean Girls is one of those movies that I feel compelled to watch everytime it's on.
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