Wednesday, September 13, 2006

THIS is why I'm going to die alone

So the artist formerly known as WC came into my office at the end of the day today. And we were chatting about the deep cleaning that's occurring in our building the next couple of weeks. So he said that his new office needed deep cleaning and I joked that the cleaners weren't allowed in his super secret space. And he said something about heads back in his super secret space and I replied that I've been back there and there are no heads. And he says that he is talking about his super super secret back room where he keeps his super hero costumes and gadgets and cars and stuff. And I joke back with 'what does a girl have to do to get into the super super secret room?' (Here's where I reveal myself to be the big giant dork I really am.) So he says I have to have a super power and I say that I have one. And he asks me what it is. And I say I can read minds. He replies that if I can read minds I should know how to get into the super secret room. I said that I've tried but he has some sort of mind shield that won't let me in. And then we both stopped and kind of looked at each other and it got weird. We laughed nervously. And he stepped out of my office for a minute and stepped back in. And to highlight the weird, I commented that it just got weird. And then we talked about other stuff. But there was like 4 hours (or 30 seconds) of total awkwardness. :)

I told Isa the tale and she thinks we should end up together just to save the rest of the world from either of us.


DD said...

I had a very similar conversation many years ago with a man I was interested in as well.

However, I was high.

Peeved Michelle said...

Clearly you have compatible dorkiness. If only he would actually do something about it, or if you could drink at work and then be able to say things like, "My super power is that I can make men fall in love with me. I can see that it's already working on you." Then he grabs you in a passionate embrace and you live happily ever after.

Unknown said...

Clearly PM has been reading too many romance novels and you have not been reading enough. :)

ren said...

i work with geeks and dorks. serious, hardcore comic book geeeks and dorks. and every conversation is tinged with this nerdiness. every...single...converstaion.

kind of fun though, isn't it?