Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Goals and all that crap

The last time I did goals was in the spring. I still haven't found a yoga class, although I think I forgot that goal so I haven't been looking that hard. Since I've been doing the aquajog thing I haven't been going to the gym in a traditional fashion, but I think they are similar. Meal plan. I suck at that. :) Sunday adventures and walking to and from work I'm doing. Saving money not so much, but now that I'm making more maybe I'll be able to save after all. So now we're on to new fall goals! (I think I get somewhat meloncholy in the fall because I work for a college. There's stuff happening all around me that is new and exciting... for other people. I'm a part of it but not really, you know. Plus I have a lot of extra work in the fall. And as Michelle has pointed out it is getting darker in the fall, but at the same time Sheesh is right in that I don't get like this in January and it is way darker then. I don't know, I'm sure it is a confluence of a lot of different things all at once.)

Fall Goals!
1. Yoga. Again with this goal. But I think I really should start taking advantage of what my college's gym offers. They have yoga every night for goodness sakes. I need to just go to one or two classes. (Although now that I've looked at the schedule I can only make Wednesday nights. But one night in addition to my hydrofit class is more than I'm currently doing. :) )

2. Try more veggies. This is a frequent appearer on my goals list and yet one I can't really get into. In a few years I hope to be acquiring children through some means. I feel like I should be able to encourage good eating habits in my future unnamed children and I can't do it with my current eating habits. So to make this a measurable goal I will try one new veggie a week. So far I can say I do not like broccoli (too woody) or green peppers (bitter). I do like red peppers which I will now willingly eat. The veggies I've tried so far have all been in Asian food so there may be a slant there. If any of y'all have a veggie that works for you and/or a recipe that makes it good (nothing with cheese sauce though. I think it might defeat the purpose of eating more veggies.) please feel free to share. So far I eat carrots, cucumbers, lettuce (but not rock & twig lettuce, too bitter usually), corn, yellow beans and now red peppers. There might be something else but I can't remember what.

3. Cut back on the soda. I'm not willing to go to diet. I was successful for a long while, but it slowly creeped back up until my current level. To start I'll cut back to 3 a day (I know) and hopefully get down to 2 and maybe even 1 a day.

4. After Christmas pay more down on my credit cards now that I have more income. (I say that because I do have Christmas presents to buy and a bunch of damn birthdays in December.)

Those are good to start I think.


Robin said...

You should try some asparagus, it's good roasted. Most vegetables are good roasted. You might want to get one of those cookbooks for moms who want their kids to try vegetables. They usually have simple recipes that bring out the best (sweetest) flavor in vegetables.

Joanne said...

Ooh good thought Robin! I never would've thought of that. Apparently step one of getting over my veggie aversion is the mental challenge of getting over my initial automatic Ick anytime I read a recipe for something I don't think I like. (A'la Cauliflower in lemon garlic sauce)

Peeved Michelle said...

Peas! I love peas (but only from a can, not fresh or frozen).

Maybe you just haven't had broccoli cooked the right way? I hate when broccoli is too crunchy, but I never considered fully-cooked broccoli to be woody. Maybe try the frozen kind.

I hate most squash, but I like zucchini when it is mixed with other stuff, and I like spaghetti squash. You cook the spaghetti squash in the oven and then use a fork to pull out the edible part. It comes out in strands like al dente pasta. We eat it with spaghetti sauce.

-d- said...

I'm especially fond of tomatoes, although summer is the very best time for them. Cherry tomatoes make for good snacking too.

I second the peas and the zucchini and wholeheartedly agree that grilling and/or roasting the veggies makes them delicious.

To branch out, I recommend grilled mushrooms and black beans.

Joanne said...

Peas. I used to eat peas. I don't know why I stopped. Those would be easy to get back into my diet actually. Hmm... I think I also used to like the fresh ones cold. (Or maybe they just sounded good when I read about them in a book)

I have a deep seeded psychological bean aversion. That one I may not be able to overcome. When you've scraped smashed beans off a gym floor for 20 minutes after a Girl Scout event (they spilled not a food fight), the smell kind of remains burned into your brain and makes you ill when you even think about them.

Kate the Peon said...

My faves are sugar snap peas. Or snow peas. Preferably in the pod.

I also love peppers - try yellow and orange ones too.

Tomatoes can go in almost anything - hello, tacos or enchiladas or burritos!

Sweet corn is yummy.

ren said...

i used to hate brussel sprouts but i discovered that when they are roasted with a little bit of olive oil (400° for 10 minutes) taken out and tossed with garlic and sea salt then put back in the oven for 5 more minutes...pretty darn good. who knew?

also, i like arugula sauteéd in a little bit of oil. easy.

i've been meaning to try sauteéd lettuce too. it might be good. but then again...

Unknown said...

First, your kid comment makes it sound like you're going to steal one.

Next, vegetables. Mushrooms (have you ever had a portabella mushroom sandwich? so yummy!). I also like zucchini, red and orange peppers (I don't like green peppers). Broccoli is one of my favorites. I also like fresh spinach sauteed with olive oil and garlic.

Kate the Peon said...

How can you people not like green peppers? I'm going to have to disown you both.

Robin said...

I'm on vacation, so I got to watch Ellen this morning. Emeril was on, and he apparently has a 'cook with your kids' type cookbook out now, you might want to see if the library has it....

... said...

When my dad was trying to get my sister to eat veggies when we were kids, he made us lots of different frozen veggies (steamed) and we put sour cream on them...worked great and we were both able to find all sorts of things we liked that way. I still eat brussel sprouts and squash with lite sourcream.

I am not a fan of many canned veggies (they are too soft and overcooked tasting) but I do like sweet corn, greenbeans and asparagus in the can.

I am a bad person to recommend veggies because I will eat any veggie, raw or steamed, or sauted with the exception of lima beans (which is mostly a texture thing, not a taste thing).

I really think that a lot of it is in the cooking...one way works well for some veggies and other ways work for others...it is awesome that you are not so set in your ways that you are willing to try. Keep trying and you'll find some wonderful ones out.

Unknown said...

I think it's funny that a post about vegetables generates so many comments!