Saturday, December 23, 2006

Best week ever!

It is very early on Saturday morning and I totally should still be asleep. The damn ferrets had different ideas about this and Rigby pestered me until I got up to give her her morning treats. Yesterday I only had to work a 1/2 day and can I tell you how long that half day was?! The only day worse was the day before where I swear the 11:00 hour took 15 hours all by itself. I kept looking at the clock and it would be 11:02 and then I'd do work and think more time passed and looked at the clock and it would be like 11:05. BUT... the best part is that I am now done with work until January 2nd. The whole U shuts down and so I have a week off. With pay. Of course I'm going to be spending it doing boring things like studying for my cebs test on the 27th and cleaning, but New Year's weekend Isa and a bunch of other people and I are going to a house in Long Beach for the weekend. It should be fun I hope.

Oh holy hell. The bus adventure required to get to the CEBS testing place is two buses and I have to catch the 1st one at 8:12 AM to get there by 9:30. Sigh. It's a 4 hour test or else I would take the flexcar.


Kate the Peon said...

What's CEBS?

Joanne said...

Certified Employee Benefit Specialist. I'm taking test #1 of 8 this coming week. So far I'm all about the study avoidance though. Apparently I learned nothing in college. :)