Monday, December 25, 2006

Oh so full

Yum. My Christmas dinner was so fabu. Roast beef, twice baked potato and I'm looking forward to Black Forest Cherry Pie in maybe an hour. The pie didn't take as long to cook as they do when I'm at my parents'. I think probably because they make like 4 pies, but the custard didn't take nearly as long to cook in my new little pot. Her recipe says take 10 minutes of stirring and bubbling until it is thick. It took maybe 4 minutes to get there when I made my pie. I hope it tastes great. Although the crust is sad and pathetic since I was having a difficult time rolling it out and so it ended up being a lot thinner and didn't goup all the way along the sides of the pie pan. Eh, the crust is really only to help hold it all together the filling is the good stuff. :)

1 comment:

Kate the Peon said...

I have a hard time with pie crust, too. We also had roast beef. :)