Friday, December 29, 2006

2006 The year in review

I've seen this done before, but most recently Clara did it and I think it is clever and interesting. The first sentence of each month.

January - I was watching Fraggle Rock as my last video of the old year, having already watched The Dukes of Hazzard and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. (I like how I started the year with a sentence fragment.)

February - Yay! I got the most fun mail ever today.

March - I always find it so funny to listen to people speak in their own language and then hear them drop in a phrase or word that is distinctly English.

April - This morning I had to take Tess to the vet.

May - When I was in college, the dorm I lived in had distinct sunny side and dark sides.

June - Today was our employee appreication event.

July - Isa and I went and watched The Devil Wears Prada yesterday after work.

August - Here's a dilemma and I'm wondering y'alls opinion.

September - Friday was probably the most perfect Friday ever.

October - Sometimes I get tired of my life.

November - I went to donate blood yesterday and after undergoing rigorous testing, (ok finger pricking and taking the big whopping drop of blood) my blood didn't sink in that tube of green water.

December - 1 - Can you believe it is already December?!

It is kind of fun to stroll down memory lane. I reread some posts and was reminded of some good things. :)


Anonymous said...

This is fun! I may borrow the idea.

Kate the Peon said...

Have you written about your NY weekend and I just can't load the new post, or are you teasing me????