Friday, March 31, 2006
Domino - A review
Thursday, March 30, 2006
If only...
Quickie: A new person will become a force in your life, even if their role is ambiguous now.
Overview: And the hits just keep on coming! These days, you can do no wrong. Even your mistakes end up looking like strokes of improvised genius. Enjoy this sweet period of success and store up points for the future.
Daily singles love (by Somebody who's been blending in with the wallpaper could suddenly stand out now. Try looking at those around you from a fresh perspective -- the one you've been seeking could be right there.
Daily extended (by You've never been famous for saying anything that might deliberately hurt someone -- not if there's a kindler, gentler way to do it. Words can be weapons, and you know that first-hand. Whether there's lint on their lapel, a run in their stocking or they just so happen to be wearing something that does, indeed, look less than flattering for their body's structure -- if they ask, you'll find a gentle way to let them know, and they'll love you for it. If it's business and there's a meeting coming up soon, better be sure you also say it quickly. (There's a certain irony here)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Help! I'm trapped in my industrial undergarment
So this morning I go to put on my 'foundation garment' (For those of you who are fellow fat chicks, you know what I'm talking about, you force all the fat into something like a sausage casing to make your dress fall prettily.) For some reason I opted for the over the head method and got stuck in it. I'm standing in my bedroom arms flailing above my head because I can't move. I'm sure I looked like one of those inflatable guys you see in front of like car sales places. (I think SNL or Mad TV did a skit where the woman married one of those guys, it was funny). It was quite the drama for 7:00 in the morning. Ultimately I ended up changing out of that and just wearing regular stuff because once I had it on properly it was just a little too clausterphobic for me.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Speed dating redux
You ever have that dream...
Sleep starts
One moment you’re drifting off to la-la land, and the next instant—whoa!—you’re dropping off a cliff. Sleep experts believe the brain sometimes gets the wrong message from the body during the transition into sleep, and associates the lack of muscle tension with being in midair. Arms and legs then jerk suddenly as they would to break a fall. Not yet realizing the body is simply at rest, the brain also instantaneously conjures a story to account for the sudden jump, and that’s why we picture ourselves falling, slipping or missing a stair.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hops Brewfest
So this weekend was the spring equinox brewfest down at the Seattle Center. Since Isa and I were signed up to be volunteers tonight, we went last night to get in for free and get our 6 tastes. We got there around 8:30 and left at about 10:10. We had a few tastes, but she doesn't love beer and I can only have cider. I did get to try Wyder's raspberry cider which I had wanted to try in the past but never had. I like it but I think I like Pear and Apple better. But I digress, there weren't a lot of people there and all the boys were watching a basketball game on TV so we didn't get too much flirt on.
Tonight we headed down to do our shift. We do the little orientation and whatever and Isa and I get sent over to one section to do pouring. The guy at that section doesn't need us so we go back to the volunteer table. The volunteer chick struggles for a few minutes and then determines maybe we could go over and help out at the front door. But we need to wait about 10 minutes, so we wander around for a little while and then she introduces us to Joe, but he isn't ready yet, so we wander around some more. We're standing around, just people watching and whatever. This guy comes over to me and touches my arm and we talk about volunteering. He was just coming off shift and we talked about which shift was better to volunteer for and how I would have to put up with drunks. So rather than doing the smart thing like introducing myself and chatting with him, we just stand there awkwardly for a few minutes and then he leaves. Sigh. And he was my type too, and in a reasonable age bracket. So then we go over to help Joe but he doesn't really need us. We go back to volunteer lady and she has us go and take down signs outside but that takes all of 5 minutes and we're done so now what. She gives us each a beer cup and 6 more tickets and sends us on our merry way. We drink a couple of tastes and then leave because Isa is tired.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Riding the ducks
Last night we were learning about simple machines (inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever etc.). So we talked about the different types and then went outside and ran around like maniacs but also looked for simple machines in our regular world. It was more fun than I anticipated. We watched the fountain for awhile. I think when the sun is up later, as part of one of our badges I'll take the girls up to the fountain area and have them draw. As we were coming back to the office, we walked past the reflecting pool. There were 2 ducks hanging out in it. We watched them for awhile and talked about ducks. Next week we are going to do Rube Goldberg drawings. That should be fun too. Well it will be fun for kids who actually like to do stuff. For the one who whines that she can't do anything it will not be fun. (Which means it will not be fun for me either but whatev)
On the way home I dropped off another box of cookies to needle exchange volunteers. (Different ones than last time). This time I managed to offer him cookies without sounding like an idiot and the guy was really happy and thought it was cool. :) We chatted for a few minutes. All was nice with the world. :)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Carbon footprint
In other thoughts, what should I do with the Girls tomorrow night? I really should know that by now.
Ferretus interacticus

I have been remiss in buying Tess her very favorite treat ever. She didn't get any last week because I ran out and then was out of town and I keep forgetting to buy her more so finally today I get her a bag of raisins. I go one step better and buy a bag of mixed raisins. So I'm sitting on the sofa and she would get a raisin and hide it then come back for another one. She does this several times and I notice that Rigby is a bit of a sneaky snake. She goes into Tess's hiding space and takes the raisin out and eats it. If I were Tess I would totally bitch-slap her, but Tess is a bit more meek. (Oh who am I kidding, I'm totally Tess. :P)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Everywhere Else

Monday, March 20, 2006
Disneyland (part 2)

Another one of my night shots taken from the monorail. This is of the Matterhorn. I like the spookiness of the mountain.

My sis, nephew and niece waiting to go on autopia the first time. We rode it twice the first day.

Disneyland! (Part 1)

I have always loved this statue in Disneyland and Disney World. Darn random stoppers in the way. You'd think they wanted to take pictures or something. :)
For my birthday Isa gave me this cute little stuffed elephant. You will see Elephant in a number of pictures as she travelled all around So Cal with me. Here she is waiting to go on the Matterhorn.
Here she is making a wish in the fountain. It is a tradition for me that I make one every time I go.

Nephew, my pops and Cinderella at our princess lunch on my birthday. We had many of the princesses show up to wish me a happy birthday. :)
Vacay Pics
I'm going to have to break these up into multiple posts because otherwise this will be the giantest post ever. I had a rather good time on vacation. This was startling for many reasons, not the least of which was the Great American White Trash fight of 05. But I think the combination of the happiest place on Earth as well as the fact that we were going non-stop for 5 days straight helped us to not be bad in each others' presence. That and that since I was in control of much of the trip it was much smoother for me. Apparently 5 adults and 1 child are completely incapable of making a decision so frequently the task fell to 1 person, me. For example, when we were in Sea World I pretty much came up with the entire schedule of when we would watch what shows and where we went next. Also, since I'd been to Disneyland before, they just followed me wherever I wanted to go. It's rare that I get to be the boss of anything. :) So on with the pics and little odd descriptors that KTP loves so much.. :)
My sister booked me to fly first class. She failed to mention, however, that when flying first class on buddy passes you have to be dressed fancy. I clearly am not dressed fancy. So no first class for me. Also, I got pulled aside at airport security because of the boot. They took a little cloth looking thing and swabbed the boot, my tennis shoe and my hands to make sure there were no explosives involved with me. I fretted a tiny bit because I had ridden the bus part of the way to get to the airport. God knows what you could pick up on the bus. :) (A whole other side story... I'm on the bus in plenty of time to get to the airport with no problems. As I hit the sodo district (southern, industrial Seattle) I realize that the citypass I need to get into the attractions is on the door of my fridge. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I get off the bus in a construction area. I call for a cab but they won't send a cab to just a street corner without a business address. Fuck fuck fuck. I get on a different bus. Luckily I get off at the library and across the street is a hotel with *drum roll please* a taxi cab waiting outside. I grab it and we go to my apartment then to the airport. I was totally stressed the whole time.)
Elephant & I flying. Even though I couldn't be fancy and fly first class, since nobody was flying Saturday night (tip, Sat nights are great to fly) I had an entire row all to myself. That was nice. Of course my sister doubted the brilliance of Michelle and had me fly into Santa Ana (John Wayne) which bit me in the ass because we were over 45 minutes late to arrive. Sigh. Really, never doubt Michelle is a good lesson to learn.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I'm back!
Edit: I can tell I'm really sick because a stupid Wal-Mart commercial just made me cry.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Another GAFM Update
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Update on the GAFM
"So far, so good. I haven't killed anyone yet."
Saturday, March 11, 2006
T - 8 hours and counting
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Word cloud
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Food indecision
So I hit the grocery store tonight figuring something there would inspire me. Not so much. When I'm in this funk, I tend to buy weird shit. Usually I buy a lot of processed stuff because I want food that requires little thought & work. As a concession to the fact that I have to eat lunch this week, I picked up taquitos. While in the frozen foods section, sausage spoke to me. Well sausage and those hashbrown patties, but those can't be microwaved so I only bought sausage. I'm thinking sausage and cheese in a tortilla for breakfast might not be too bad.
So then I figured teriyaki wouldn't be too bad for dinner. I go in and they're out of chicken breasts. They're in the same building as a large grocery store, are you kidding me? (Yes I realize they have a meat supplier who probably charges a lot less than QFC would but still...) I head over to my taco place (which I now know for certain is actually gluten free except the flour tortillas because well obviously). I'm studying the menu vigorously (as though I don't order the same thing every freaking time) and ask the guy about enchiladas because those actually sound good. He tells me they aren't worth the money really (same guy I ALWAYS have) and asks me if I've made up my mind. Here's where I get all embarrassing. I confess that I'm having terrible food indecision and that I have no idea what to eat. He kind of chuckles at me and I confess that I just have to eat the usual because I have food issues today. He laughed. And then I told him that they had to be good to get me out of this food funk. And they actually were. :) I don't know if it'll get me out of my food funk, but they were good tacos.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Weekend of volunteerism
Sunday: Sunday was the Firefighter Stair Climb at the Bank of America Tower. I have done this the past 3 years. In years past, I did the registration table. Encouraged by Isa and her roommate, I decided to sign up for equipment removal. You get a lot more interaction with the guys and it seemed like a good change of pace. Holy crap it was hard work. Those tanks they carry weigh A LOT! Basically the guys fully uniform up and put on oxygen masks. They then run up all 69 flights of stairs to the top of the Bank of America Tower... Some of them twice. They do this to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. (Which is the reason I first signed up to do this as Leukemia is what my sister had.) Working at the top was so amazing. These guys would come off the stairs, some of them exhausted and barely able to move, and it was my job to strip firefighters. ;) Ok really I pulled their helmet off and gloves and helped with their coats. And then I carried all their gear for them over to the first stop where they sat and caught their breath and waited for buddies all that.
I'm really glad I did it. I really felt like an important part of the process and the way some of them would thank you... It was just a nice feeling. I was called an angel by the guy whose water got spilled and I went and fetched him another one. And I'd get choked up by the guy who had ribbons with people's names on it that he was racing for or the guy who had a picture of a little girl pinned to his sleeve. And then at the very end was a woman with her team who had just walked up the stairs... no full gear. From the turban on her head, you knew why she was climbing. It was very intense. One guy collapsed at the finish line and they had to get medics for him. I got some strange guy's sweat in one of my ears as I was taking his jacket and it spattered. But it was all very good to do.
So after the climb was done, Isa's roommate gave me a ride home and I showered and put on clean clothes and the boot (I had done without it all day yesterday something I'm regretting slightly today). Then we headed down to Fados. It was crowded but we found coworker and coworker's roommate. We sat with them the whole evening and just had a really good time flirting with the firefighters. I smacked more straight guy ass than I have in a long time. :) There were several who were very cute (several who am I kidding, almost all of them were hot). I flirted a lot and got flirted with.* It was very nice. :) I got a whole lot drunker than I thought I would. I think it was mostly because I had only 2 little pieces of chicken and a small bowl of left over Chinese food & rice to eat all day long. I did keep drinking water both during the climb and at the bar so I'm not hung over today. As I was walking out of the bar this guy was out there and he asked me what happened to my foot. I told him I have Achilles tendonitis in my Achilles tendon which made them laugh a lot. I also called one of them cute which also made them laugh. Isa was drunker than I've ever seen her which was kind of funny. This morning she apologized for anything she may have done and keeps asking our coworker if she was too obnoxious. It was an incredibly good time and I'm totally doing it again next year.
*The married guy that was heavily flirting with me had early on identified himself as married (as though the wedding ring wouldn't have tipped me off) but said "If I weren't married... I'm not going to finish that sentence." And I said "If you weren't married... I'm not going to finish the sentence either, but you are and I don't cheat so there you go." He was actually very sweet talking about his wife and how when you know you know and he spent a lot of time having fun and when he met her he realized she was the one he wanted to change with.
My fingers are on ice because 3 of them got slammed in a car door. You can tell how drunk you are by your reaction when you have 3 fingers caught in a car door. If you just say open the door while laughing but you have tears running down your face... you are druhuhunk. I'll let you figure out how I reacted. :)
I had a good time at Fado's. I was flirted with by straight men. Unfortunately several of them were married straight men, rendering them almost useless. (Except for the slight ego boost to flirting with attractive firefighters part.) :)
I'll post more in the am because I am tired now.
Friday, March 03, 2006
And the debate rages on.
Rev. Hutcherson also brought up a couple of points that I honestly have a difficult time reconciling in my own mind. One is that if you are a person whose belief happens to go against the current tide, you're a hate monger or an ist or whatever and your beliefs aren't worth someone elses because they're 'wrong'. Those who were opposed to war in the early months after September 11th can certainly understand what that feels like since during that time Patriotism was running high. If you were against war, you were against America. It is funny how quickly we forget this fact. So what I have to believe is that it is his right to believe this way and not necessarily my duty to 'correct' his thoughts, this guy's mind is not changing. It is my duty, though, to fight for what I believe to be right and hope I can convince a few on the fence people along the way.
Another point Rev. Hutcherson brought up was that democracy is I believe something, I get enough people to support my beliefs, I'm going to force my beliefs onto you, whether you believe them or not. The audience booed him for this statement, but I don't know that he is entirely wrong. If you look at the smoking ban in the state. There were a lot of people with a belief (based on medical science, I supported the bill) and we managed to get enough support and we pushed our belief onto another group. Now, are smokers an oppressed minority, not really. They're definitely not a protected class. :) But his argument was that democracy is flawed in this respect. Mr. Sims countered, of course, that's the whole point of civil rights. You can't trust the rights of a minority to the majority. Which I also agree with.
Some other random notes of the evening:
In a debate setting it is counterproductive for the opposing group to shout at the person speaking. It just makes that side look bad. And this guy behind me embodied that so much because he shouted the whole time and was quite rude.
I never like the way the gays hiss when something gets said that they don't like. It just annoys me.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wednesday evening cheese
I also really dug the tea ceremony.