Tuesday, December 19, 2006

6 Weird things about me.

Blaugra tagged me with a meme. As if I needed another reason to talk about my idiosyncrasies. (Honestly I started this on 12/7 apparently it has taken me over a week to come up with 6 weird things about me)

Here are the rules - Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!

1 - Even though cognitively I know 100% it isn't true, I still believe a teeny tiny bit that certain inanimate objects can feel things. I blame the Velveteen Rabbit for this. I would've been so fucked up as a kid if Toy Story had also been around.

2 - I have real food texture issues. There are several foods that I may actually like but because I can't get around how it feels in my mouth, I can't eat it. (This includes things like onions which I like the taste of in my food but I can't put one in my mouth because the slimy texture of cooked onions freaks me out).

3 - I have similar touch texture issues. Textures like terra cotta pots make me cringe and don't even get me started on plaster of paris.

4 - I own two ferrets and I walk them on leashes. In public. I should stress that I don't consider this weird, although judging from the reactions of the people in my neighborhood, they may disagree. :)

5 - I am incapable of doing the dishes without having to go to the bathroom at least twice during the time. The running water. I know. I'm a freak.

6 - I love weird socks including Christmas ones. But I have very strict rules about when I will wear certan ones. The Christmas ones cannot be worn before Thanksgiving. The ones with fall leaves or winter snow flakes are only worn in fall/winter. In the spring I tend to wear just regular socks. And in the summer it is all sandals all the time. (Hmm.... Maybe I need to buy spring motif ones this year. :) )

Also I am not big on tagging so I'm breaking the rules and if you want to do it, go for it! :)


Peeved Michelle said...

I don't know if I could come up with six things. I am pretty boring.

Robin said...

...besides her bathroom etiquette fixation....

Peeved Michelle said...

That's just good sense.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I finally caught up with you on this. Nice follow through! :)

Yeah, walking two ferrets on leashes, while sensible, would cause me to give a second look on the street!