Thursday, June 07, 2007

2 Things I want today...

Today (only today) I only want 2 things from people.

1 - Invest your money wisely. I have just received a retirement enrollment form and the person has requested the money market fund for 100% of her retirement contribution. The money market? That's like 3 or 4% interest. You may as well shove your money in a mattress and you'll have the same effect. Inflation is going to eat that up. Why even bother? There are life cycle funds that will invest wisely for you based on your projected retirement date. Even that's better than the money market. Seriously.

2 - Women should comb their hair. I don't get why they don't. Do they think it looks pretty? And I'm not speaking of dread locks which I think are atrocious but I do get that they are a statement. I mean just regular hair. So many women walk around with rats nests in the back of their hair like they are toddlers who have been lying on their pillow rubbing their head back and forth. I don't get it. I was just in the bathroom and this girl very carefully applied make up so her face would be pretty but her hair was pulled back in this unkempt, trashy ponytail. Think back to when you were a little girl (for those of you that were girls or Michelle, think about when we worked at GS camp). Remember how you'd try to avoid getting your hair combed so you would have this weird spazzy ponytail that just looked unkempt. That's what her hair looked like. I'm cool with the "messy" ponytail or bun you see but at least the part around the head is nice and combed back... not just rats nest ponytail. (And I'm not lumping girls with curly hair into this because I know they have a special set of challenges with their curls. This is my want for girls with relatively straight or only wavy hair.)

I don't think I'm asking for too much, right? :)

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