Thursday, June 14, 2007

Inappropriate thoughts whilst watching an elementary graduation

1 - Where do all the white kids go to school? Of the 35 kids who were graduating, only 1 was white. Since we do choice schools not neighborhood schools shouldn't there be more diversity? I was one of about 7 white people in the whole room. Two were teachers and 4 were with the 1 white kid.

2 - Wow some of these girls are developing young. Seriously.... these kids were 5th graders. That's 11. Some of these girls looked to be teenagers.

3 - While listening to the music teacher encourage the crowd to get riled up and cheer for the kids... I'm white, our people don't do that.

4 - Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? While listening to the two songs the kids sang that seemed to be a bit on the praise G-d side of things. They were good songs, though, and the kids sang them well.

5 - It's just 5th grade graduation. Not high school. Not college.

All in all, though, I had a good time. I'm glad I went. I really enjoyed seeing the girls graduate and one even gave a little speech. They were rather excited to see me there too. :)

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