Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Slippery Slope
Unrelated to this, I'm going to see Harry Potter 5 finally. And better... I'm going to see it in 3-d Imax at the Pacific Science Center. Admit it, you all are jealous! :)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Disney Pics!

Friday, July 27, 2007
AMEX and Donor's Choose
I’m a supporter of DonorsChoose.org, an amazing nonprofit organization that is a finalist in The Members Project. The prize is up to $5 million, and the outcome will be decided by votes of American Express card holders. If we help DonorsChoose.org win, all the proceeds will go to classroom projects in public schools.
This doesn’t require money; it requires just 2 minutes of your time. You could impact hundreds of thousands of public school students by voting now for:
Teachers Ask. You Choose. Students Learn.
If the registration/voting process is at all confusing, please see these simple instructions:
DonorsChoose.org is in a dead heat with much larger organizations, and the outcome will likely be decided by fewer than a hundred votes. Your vote now is essential.
On behalf of all the schoolchildren whom your vote will impact, thank you for helping this great charity at such a critical moment!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Grass is greener
The reality is, of course, I'm too lazy and broke right now to actually move anywhere, but I'm entertaining the idea. :) By entertaining the idea, I mean I do vague searches on move.com to discover if I could afford housing in my new locale and job searches on monster.
Currently I'm suffering from a little of both scenarios. I'm just back from vacation which always makes me happy but now I want to live in Orlando, despite the fact that it is a million degrees there year round and I'll die. And I am not just satisfied with my life at the moment. I don't know why or where this is coming from. I think it is mostly because I'm stressed about my apartment (one of my neighbors complained about the 'ferret smell' and my apartment manager is now implying that I snuck them in basically) and I have a performance review at work which I'm all terrified about (for no real reason I suppose, I'm good at my job, but I have had some humdingers of reviews in the past so I've been gun shy ever since.). Both are minor annoyances and will pass but they just make me want to not be here anymore.
Currently on the list of places I want to live...
1 - Orlando (I know it is a million degrees there but if I could work for Disney I might be able to make it work)
2 - Colorado (I watched a movie... it looked pretty there and I thought that might be nice but there are no jobs for what I do and I don't want to live in Denver)
3 - California (sometimes I think about moving back there. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it - part of that whole once you break up with someone you don't get back together with him, but my BFF lives there with her husband and almost new baby so it would be good and I'd have friends there already.)
4 - Oregon (I love Astoria. Again no jobs in what I do there.)
I'm kind of on the fence about living in a city. On the one hand I love the freedom to walk wherever I want to and we have great public transportation. Also there are more likely to be jobs in what I currently do in bigger cities. Benefits specialists are more necessary in mid to larger companies. When I was visiting my sister all I could think was where do these people work? Where do professionals work in those areas? (She's too far from a city to be a reasonable commute I think.) On the other, I'm kind of sick of being surrounded by people at all times. And while I like the convenience factor of having everything close at hand, I kind of am tired of no wide open spaces or quiet places with no people. (Although I realize 50% of the places on my list would be cities). I also don't know why I never consider the east coast in places to live, but I don't. I know FL is on the east coast, but I mean northeast. Also I know I never consider the mid-west. I didn't like Indiana, I am now painting the entire middle of the country with that brush. :)
Ultimately I know I won't move. I don't want to go through the whole effort to make friends again. I don't want to pack all my shit up. If I were moving back to CA, for example, I would wait until the girls died because I don't want to do the owning illegal animals there again. And actually I think I would wait anyway because I don't want to move with animals this time around. So stagnation is my name. Sigh.
(This feeling shall pass. It always does. :) )
Monday, July 23, 2007
So close!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Animal Kingdom
We came home early since the park closes at 8. We ate some Wendys (cheapest meal we've had so far) and then hopped into the pool. It was so nice just to float and bob along. The water is WARM here. It was so so so warm. I don't think I've ever been in a pool that warm.
My feets are killing me. My tendon is unhappy with me and my back is threatening to go on strike, but how can I complain when I'm having so damn much fun?
Tomorrow we are going to Epcot and MGM and then we leave tomorrow night up to where my sister lives. Sunday I think we are going tubing down a river and Monday we're off to the beach. Yay! And then I fly back on Tuesday.
I did not break a bra today either. That's happy. :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Magic Kingdom
For dinner tonight I had an awesome hamburger! I had asked for a burger with no bun and the checker asked me about allergies and they actually had GF buns. It was great! The GF buns are very dry though and he didn't toast it, but you know I can't complain. Especially since it was at a fast food restaurant. That made me very happy.
We came back to the hotel early tonight. The park is open until 11, but there's no way we can last that long. We're all pooped.
The only downer... I've now busted the wire in 2 bras. Today while we were in line for something I felt the tell tale snap. And worse the damn wire had actually busted through the fabric and jabbed a hole in my right boob. The good part, though, was since the wire busted through the fabric I could pull the two pieces out and just wear the bra without the wire.
I'll have pictures galore when I get back. Don't miss me too much! :) (Of course how can you with me posting every evening??!! :) )
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I'm here!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Camping Photos

Good morning J!! He has a breakfast of champions... diet coke. :) We actually had a ton of breakfast foods... bacon, hashbrowns, eggs and I had GF pancakes. (Which are AWESOME and which I'm taking camping with me again)

Monday, July 16, 2007
Your Score: Freak- INFJ
13% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 26% Thinking, 53% Judging

Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind... In fact, I do believe that that's one of the definitions for the word "FREAK."
Freak's not such a bad word to describe you actually.
You are deep, complex, secretive and extremely difficult to understand. If that doesn't scream "Freak!" I don't know what does. No-one actually knows the REAL you, do they?
You probably have deep interests in creative expression as well as issues of spirituality and human development.
You've probably even been called a "psychic" before, because of your uncanny knack to understand and "read" people without quite knowing how you do it. Don't fret. You're not actually psychic. That would make you special and you'll never accomplish that.
You're also quite possible the most emotional of them all, so don't take this all too hard. Nevertheless you most definitely have the strangest personality type and that's not necessarily a good thing.
If you want to learn more about your personality type in a slightly less negative way, check out this.
The other personality types are as follows...
Loner - Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Pushover - Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Criminal - Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Borefest - Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Almost Perfect - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
Loser - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
Crackpot - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
Clown - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Sap - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Commander - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Do Gooder - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Scumbag - Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
Busybody - Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
Prick - Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
Dictator - Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
Link: The Brutally Honest Personality Test written by UltimateMaster on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
You know a camping trip is good when it ends with a tetnus shot. :) Or at least at the end you have to go get a tetnus shot. I'm going today at 11:30 because I stepped on something Saturday night that punched a hole in the bottom of my left foot. I then proceeded to walk around most of the night and next morning barefoot because although the bottom of my foot hurt, the sides of my feet hurt worse. My Tevas tear up part of my pinky toes. I always forget that's why I don't wear them for long periods of time, but I can wear them once in a while. I have a difficult relationship with shoes. :)
We all had a very good time. It was a seafood fiesta for dinner on Sat night. There was so much food. It was amazing. Big R & boyfriend, J, had shrimp and tuna and crab and oysters. Little hands had crab and oysters. M had clams and crab. And then there was me who doesn't do sea food with my kabobs. But they were giant so I shared some of that too.
On Saturday we spent the morning at Tillamook Cheese Factory and then we spent the early afternoon on the beach. I'm sunburned. (Again to blistering on one of my arms which is alarming.) It seems to be happening more frequently. I sprayed down with sunblock but maybe not enough or not enough time between spraying and going in the water. Big R, J and I all played in the waves. It was so much fun!!! Although the undertow was pretty severe and we really found ourselves rocked by the waves. It was a lot of fun!
Later J and I played scrabble and Big R & M took a nap. Littlehands was trying to get the net on Big R's sidekick but apparently it was having trouble. Cell reception is spotty there. Sometimes just moving a few inches made me get bars when before I couldn't.
Sunday morning, though, sucked. It was so wet outside and the tent I was in leaked like a seive. Seriously. I woke up to this cold feeling on my arm... which was tucked inside my sleeping bag. The water had dripped onto my sleeping bag and eventually seeped through. Also I forgot to bring my 2nd pair of pants so I had only 1 pair the whole weekend. Also sometime Saturday afternoon the only bra I had brought with me broke and so I was being jabbed by underwire for the next day and a half. Also the one pair of pants I did bring got soaked in the leaky tent debacle and so I ended up wearing my gray pajama shorts all day on Sunday. We packed up and got out of the camp FAST that morning. It was so miserable. I think if I wasn't so wet I would've been more amenable to staying longer but everything was wet. Luckily it was hot and sunny here in Seattle and when I took everything that got wet - sleeping bag, sleeping pad, chair and pillow - out to the building's patio it dried in less than an hour. Awesome.
I'm hoping my tent doesn't leak so that when I go camping with Stephen in two (three?) weeks I won't have a repeat experience. Or I suppose I could just hope it doesn't rain. :)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Je fait du camping.
THEN I go to Florida (I keep typing Disney World as though that's all I'm doing) for a week.
Then I work for a full week. (I think one of the first in months).
Then I go camping again. Stephen and I are going to go back to Cape Lookout (to the same site that I love) in Oregon with his son for a Sunday, Monday and Tuesday thing. I think that's 5 camping trips this summer. (Well if you count two where I was in the woods but sleeping in cabins. I do.) That's both outstanding and yet out of control at the same time! :) (If you ever go, spot D1 is the best one in my opinion. It is surrounded on 3 sides by high bushes and is very close to the beach. Like walk across the 'street' and down into the beach. Awesome!)
I hate that..
On happier news, hell happier news deserves its own post..
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Fucking Amazon
I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Usually, I'd be able to create a
replacement order that would be shipped to you as soon as possible at no
additional charge. Unfortunately, I can't do that in this case because the item
"Enviracaire EFY-045 Digital Tower Fan with Ionizer" is now unavailable from our
But today I went on to amazon.com to show Michelle which one it was I ordered and they are able to get it. It isn't coming directly from them and it is more expensive than what I bought but is that my problem? They do have access to what I ordered and what UPS damaged and so I should be able to get what I ordered. Fuckers. I've now emailed amazon again. Depending on their 2nd response we'll see if they join the list.
* The list of places I refuse to shop at for varying reasons involving screwing things up or making me sick. Currently The Elysian is the only business on the list. Broadway Grill was on it but worked its way off. Oh how could I have forgotten... UPS is on the list. It has a permanent place on the list.
Fan update
That does mean I'm getting back $21.70 which I can spend at Disneyworld buying Mickey Mouse ears. :)
The girls are going to go to be boarded this round. I don't usually do that but it has been so hot I don't trust to leave them in the apartment while I'm gone like I usually do. I also feel good about it because then I won't have to worry the way I usually do when I'm gone. Although boarding a pet, a little pricey. $15 a day. (I'm sure Michelle could tell me about the fancy pants doggie spa that she sent the dog to and how ridiculously expensive it was... but this is a chick's house and it isn't like the girls are going to get their own pool. :) )
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I ordered a fan from Amazon.com and it was supposed to be delivered today. I made sure I was going to get home as close to 4:30 as I could because usually UPS comes in the early evening or right after work. I waited and waited. I moved my dinner plans from 6 to 6:30. And then talked to LiDay at 6:30 and said the package hadn't come yet and I waited some more. Finally at 7:00 I risked going online to find out where my package was. There's now a notation set at 5:22 in the tracking system that the package was damaged. So I call UPS to find out what the next step is. I'm told that since the package was damaged they would be returning it and the sender would be contacting me. So I go out to dinner and come home at 9:30. I log in to see if I've received any communication from Amazon about my package and I see that according to the UPS site, I REFUSED DELIVERY. Allegedly I did this at 8:30. Now I'm livid. I wasn't here at 8:30 and I didn't do it. I don't know if this is their standard operating procedure but I'm totally pissed. I call UPS and of course you can't get a real person. I do the track the package thing and am told that the recepient refused delivery. So I keep saying customer service over and over into the voice recognition thing and then I discover that they are closed. So I go to amazon.com and email them. I don't want it to seem like I refused the package and this somehow negatively affect me with regards to my fan. I also pointed out that if they were trying to reship it to me I'm out of town next and I won't be able to receive it and UPS won't leave it since I'm an apartment dweller. I have had it with UPS. I wish I could find vendors that don't use them at all.
Also weird, I ordered two things from Amazon at the same time to get the "super saver shipping" and one came UPS (the fan) and the other is coming via USPS, the Wicked Soundtrack.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm going to Disney World!!
BUT I'm now researching things to do in Florida. I'm so excited I could cry. Like I'm wanting to burst out of my skin.... YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!
I could go there!
Monday, July 09, 2007
New Toys for Sampson!
New Toys!
Although that's not the new toys I'm talking about. On the way home from Kenmore, I stopped at the pet store and bought the girls some new treats. I also bought Tess some new toys. She loves these little balls of fur that I can get in the kitty toy section. She's been so cute all evening with her new ball and takes it and hides it and then she pulls it out and runs and hides it in a new spot. And then she picks it up from there and hides it in a new spot. It is cracking me up.
I threw out my back again. I'm really sick of my back. I'm sure it is because I've got so much going on and I'm stressed and it is one of those things that happens. Sigh. I bought a heating pad and a back brace today to help me. I just about toasted myself though since I had my laptop on my lap and the heating pad against my back. Although I think that might be the key to being cool... Heat oneself up a lot and then step away from the heat. :D
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Edited for TV
Unrelated, or only barely related to TV, why do people think that thing where you hang upside down and cover up the nose and mouth of a person and put eyeballs on the chin and hair think that's funny or clever? I find it kind of creepy. (Sponsored by an Oreo cookie commercial.)
Friday, July 06, 2007
I've done something I've never done before... I dyed my own hair. Now I've gone to the salon and had it done and I've done it for other people but I've never done it to myself. It was a bit more difficult than I thought, yet easier than I thought at the same time. :) I have a patch I missed and unfortunately it is right in the front. I've just put more dye into that one little spot to see if it will help. Otherwise I think it might look okay. We'll see. It is still damp so it is hard to tell.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Is Robert Ludlum the VC Andrews of spy novels?
Edited: I followed Michelle's suggestion and found this on Wikipedia: "He died in 2001, reportedly leaving behind several unpublished manuscripts and rough outlines, which continue to be dusted off and published with the help of ghostwriters. Ludlum also published books under the pseudonyms Jonathan Ryder and Michael Shepherd." So basically he IS the VC Andrews of spy novels. :)
It's official... I've joined the white trash society
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Cal-I-Fornia here I come
I left on Friday morning. Stephen generously took me to the airport. That's friendship for ya... since I had to be there at 6:00. :)
After I checked in, my sister called to change my ticket. Apparently I could get to Phoenix with no problem, but leaving Phoenix to LA was not going to happen. So she re-routed me through Vegas. I lost a whole $9.00 in the Vegas airport. I'm usually against gambling in the airport because that just seems weird to me, but I was honestly bored. I was late landing, which is ironic because Michelle posted a peeve that she left her blackberry in the car and hoped I wasn't calling to let her know I was going to be late.
We had a good visit, I believe. Her baby shower was fun and I got to see people I don't usually see. It wasn't too showery which is always nice. We got to decorate onesies and little t-shirts which is fun and lets me be 'crafty.' We made ice cream sandwiches which turned out awesome. They were so yummy I may have to try this at home. (Really it was 2 cookies with vanilla or chocolate or strawberry ice cream smooshed in between them but seriously was soooo good. :) ) She got a million and one pink outfits (ok maybe just a million).
Sunday we went to a different baby shower. This one was less fun for me. I didn't know anyone and had only the most tenuous relationship with the mother-to-be. (I had met her the day before at Michelle's shower.) It was also a little fancy schmancy for me which was why Michelle's was more fun! :) (Better food at Michelle's most definitely).
Monday I flew home. Sigh. Luckily I had no flight issues and even though I was standby on both my flights, I got decent seats. No crappy middle row for me! :) And then again Stephen picked me up at the airport. How luxurious is that?! :)