Here are the as promised scenes from camping. Probably plus my commentary. :)

The beach. It was about 7:00 AM. I was one of the first ones up (although I found out from J that he was up at that time too). I don't sleep well and sleeping on the ground... even worse. :)

Just another shot of the coast. The beach is kind of surrounded a little bit.

Early morning joggers. Seriously. Jogging? That's just crazy talk. :)

I like the spooky 3 rocks in the distance. They remind me of the Goonies movie.

Good morning to me! (notice the green camping sweatshirt.)

Good morning J!! He has a breakfast of champions... diet coke. :) We actually had a ton of breakfast foods... bacon, hashbrowns, eggs and I had GF pancakes. (Which are AWESOME and which I'm taking camping with me again)

Big R in the tent. He had just gotten up. He was not thrilled with me for taking his pic here. :)

Littlehands, Big R & J sitting at the campground.

Big R & J. Aren't they cute? Seriously J is an awesome guy. Why isn't there a straight version of him? :) On Sunday morning when we were all miserable I heard a car running. I asked him about it, he was warming up the car inside so that Big R could go in there and be comfy. So nice.

Every princess needs a castle. Big R is working on his. I whined at him until we went into the ocean. That was so much fun! We dove in the waves and jumped around. It was also exhausting.

M, J & Littlehands courting skin cancer. I did it too and ended up burned. Sigh. (The large black mass is J's dog. Cute dog.)

M & J sunning.

J & I played scrabble after we cleaned up after the beach. I beat him. Although technically I was winning and he conceded when his friends showed up.

M was supposed to be reading her trashy novel, but fell asleep instead.

Big R & Littlehands. Big R totally fell asleep and actually started snoring. We laughed. Littlehands dozed off too. That's the best part of any camping trip... just relaxing around the camp. :)

This is Littlehands' patented pending toasting procedure. She likes the chocolate to melt so she sticks a marshmallow on the toasting fork and then slides a chocolate and graham cracker between the marshmallow and the other prong of the fork. It was very clever.
Looks like a great time! I would have been courting skin cancer BIG time, but I'm sorry about your burn.
Seriously, you have to get that sunscreen under control.
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