Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Boys are dumb and other tales

So Moral Turpitude IM'd me last night and was talking about a recent trip to a bar. He seemed semi proud of the fact that he wore a shirt that said "Ass is the new vagina." I pointed out the classyness of the comment and then asked how many gay men hit on him. He then claimed he doesn't look gay and I had to point out that really there is no such thing as looking gay. But today I was thinking about the shirt again and I can't help but wonder what on earth he was hoping to accomplish. Like some girl is going to walk right up to him and be so impressed with his wittyness that she has to have him? It doesn't make any sense to me.

I voted today did you? :) AND I got to do an exit poll when I came out of the voting area. How cool is that? Democracy at its finest people. I love it! I think in a few years (maybe next year) King County is going to go to only mail in ballots. While I understand the convenience of it, I kind of like the comraderie of the polling place. The same gay guy has been the guy in charge of the volunteers at the polls every time I've gone to vote. That's kind of cool to me. (Although I swear this year's volunteers may have been retarded. They were a little (lot) slow and not smart.)

Ooh this is all exciting... I got called and surveyed and then invited to a focus group. They'll pay $100. Very nice and exciting. I love random extra money.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

My poll workers were retarded too! Exact word I used!