Friday, November 03, 2006

Rigby is lucky!

Do you know those little rubber tips that come with shelving units that protect the shelves? She apparently ate one. It plugged her up. She was severely dehydrated. They rehydrated her and x-rayed her and while she was in my lap on a towel she pooped and out popped the little rubber tip. It was still fully shaped. So they x-rayed her a second time and luckily that was all she ate that she shouldn't have and she won't need emergency surgery to unblock her colon. Poor girl. She is spending the day at the vet's office for observation and I'll pick her up after work. How did she know I just got a raise at work??


Peeved Michelle said...

There goes the vacation money!

Jodi said...

I'm so glad Rigby will be okay. Pets are expensive, but damn worth it!

... said...

Well at least she is okay...maybe she needs to be confined to a safe area of the house during the day when you can't keep an eye on her diet....hee, hee.

I hate when my pets are sick too.

Kate the Peon said...

I'm glad she's okay. Though I do think it's funny she pooped while in your lap. :)