Thursday, June 07, 2007

I am a dork...

Or at least that's what my clothes say today. I hate what I'm wearing but when you procrastinate doing laundry as long as I have there's not much choice. On my feet I have black danskos. They're fine. I like them. I have white socks though that I rather like but maybe not with black shoes. Then there's the too short khaki colored denim "jeans." Awesome we're moving into total nerd territory. Top it all off with a blue gray long sleeved shirt that I keep tugging at because it is too short and you have an outfit fit for a dork. Sigh.


Kate the Peon said...

I hate days like that.

Peeved Michelle said...

It could be worse. You could look like a big fat pregnant blueberry because you are wearing a blue shirt with your blue jeans and have your hair pulled back into a ponytail because you were too lazy to take shower this morning.