Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Comfort food

I'm well aware that one should not self-medicate with food, but after today I really wanted something warm and comforting for dinner so I'm making beef stew and cheddar mashed potatoes.

During lunch time they did a thing up in the IT office (where my friend worked) and I went up at the recommendation of my biggest boss. It was sad and I teared up a little bit. I hate crying in public. (Really I hate crying, but to do it in front of other people makes me crankier.) I was looking at some pictures her husband had sent to one of my coworkers before and they looked so happy and the baby is so cute. It is kind of surreal. I did learn something interesting though... I knew my biggest boss had gone to boarding school, I just hadn't realized he had been to boarding school much of his life and more importantly why he went to boarding school. His mother died due to childbirth, his childbirth. He was telling Isa how it is rather traumatic and you feel guilty all the time. I can't even begin to imagine it.


Kate the Peon said...

Jesus. That's a harsh day.

I left a public emotion/grief sharing with my sorority in college after one of our pledges was killed. I HATED being all blubbery and snotty in front of people.

Unknown said...

That truly sucks. I can't even imagine. I HATE crying in front of other people.