Tuesday, November 16, 2004

On drunkenness and tits...

And eventually moral turpitude part 3 but I'll post that after the convo is done...

So... V and I went out drinking tonight and I will say that I'm still drunk. I have to sober up before I go to bed so I may not make it to the gym tomorrow morning. How frightening that I can type this with my head tilted back on the sofa and my eyes closed. And be mostly correct in my typing, although once I open my eyes I will edit this... So, back to my drunken story. We were out and met these two boys. One of whom was straight and married and the other was gay and in a committed relationship, although I do feel bad, I dropped the gay guy's wedding ring on the floor. But I picked it up. So the straight guy, I found out about 1/2 way through the evening is married, I didn't know that originally and he wants to see my tits. We have a whole discussion about the fact that he is married. And here's where I may be a tiny bit hypocritical especially in light of moral turpitude part 3 (but is flashing someone a tit cheating? probably not). Oh look, I just shared... I flashed str8 guy a tit. Then the other. That may be the 1st time I've done that in a bar, but he challenged me. He claimed I was not the size I am. :( Like he knows... he thought I was only a 34 band... HA! I don't know when I saw that band size... maybe in high school... Luckily the bar was almost empty... I definitely wouldn't have done it if it were full like usual.

The other news is that I may have picked up a different straight guy. One who is single, but honestly I didn't get a 100% straight vibe from him. I gave him my email though, and he gave me his card so... who knows... I'll get some random email tomorrow from him and have no idea who it is. :) And here I was actually thinking of making a deal with the devil (moral turpitude guy) because he seems to be the only one in the world lately who is even remotely interested in seeing me naked. I'm having a bit of a low esteem moment, although Michelle is very right in that fucking him would solve nothing and in fact probably plummet the self esteem even worse. In my more cognizant moments I know this... but sometimes... hell it feels nice to be wanted, even if it is by pervy mc perv.

Speaking of Pervy Mc Perv, I got on the elevator after work today and this guy on the elevator stared at my tits the whole ride up. It isn't like he was subtle either... Full blown head down staring... I know I'm proud of them and all, and sadly I do get some self worth from their size (God I would totally get breast cancer and lose the only 2 things I like about myself, breasts & hair) but still...

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