This one was taken on the road to Lanikai Beach where we spent one afternoon. There was a scenic pull off. I have no idea what beach this is. In any event, it is the quintissential Hawai'i shot.

This is Diamond Head. The houses in the area are very expensive! But so beautiful.

Hibiscus flowers were prevalent. I really liked the yellow ones.

This is some little cove on the way to either PCC or Lanikai Beach. Actually, I took this one from the speeding Chrysler Seabring Convertible. I believe Michelle mentioned, but I'll reiterate... the Seabring Convertibles were EVERYWHERE! Apparently they were the official rental car of Hawai'i. :)

This is some island off Lanikai Beach. The water was so warm and blue but very choppy. The wind was very active. Michelle read later that Kailua beach which is right nearby is known for its windsurfing because of the tradewinds.

On the way to Lanikai I saw this paraglider off the mountain.

I believe this is Rabbit Island (although I could be wrong) :) Beautiful, just beautiful.

A secret little pathway into Lanikai Beach. There were houses all along the entire stretch of the beach so that in order to get in you had to park and go down the public access walkways. We had heard about Lanikai Beach from Citysearch. Unfortunately, what they don't tell you is that much of the actual beach has washed away so there is only a small strip of sand. It was so beautiful and secluded though. And the sand was so soft and totally unlike Waikiki Beach which was very rocky and caused cut feet.

Hee. Speaking of feet... I took this shot just to give a little perspective. That's my purple toenailed big toe and some other guy's foot looking down from the shark cage.

Shark viewed from the shark cage. These were all relatively harmless Galapagos Sharks. They still have teeth yo, but aren't likely to attack anytime soon. :) Apparently Captain Mike was patting one one day he wasn't paying attention and the teeth grazed his arm and it required 36 stitches. Michelle told me this but I missed the story because I was under water.

That's the boat we took out. There were 13 of us on board besides the 2 crew. The "hot water shower" the brochure boasted about... was a hose with a spray nozzle. I rinsed off at one of those external showers on the beach and changed in the grossest bathroom I've been in in years.

One morning I got up at about 5 and got dressed and slipped out before Michelle was up. I wanted to get a vague picture of the sunrise, not realizing that it really couldn't be seen from Waikiki. These are some sunrise surfers I caught at about 6:00 AM.

Conversely, here's sunset at Waikiki Beach.

Gorgeous view from our Lanai. Really there was enough space on the balcony for 2 chairs and that's about it, but who wants to sit in chairs all day? Although in the early morning when I was awake before Michelle, I'd sit out in them and read.

View from the Tiki Bar & Grill where we ate a fancy pants dinner one night and had drinks on our last day trying to kill time before heading to the airport.

Lanikai Beach again. See how the waves are right up to the rocky parts of the houses? That's how it is... there is almost no beach left. I think the section we put our towels on was maybe 8 feet to the ocean.

Hey that's me! :) I tried the 1 handed pic from inside the shark cage. Kinda cool no?

Finally, I don't know where this is but it was on our way to either the Polynesian Cultural Center or Lanikai Beach (same road to get to both). Another pic taken while zooming along in the car. :)
1 comment:
Ohhh my gawd! That one handed picture rocks, dear!
I was there in September, so the weather was probably slightly different, but I must say...
Your photos bring back some incredibly warm memories ;)
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