Wednesday, December 03, 2003

sigh... comcast has won. It has been 3 hours that I have been without cable and I can't cope. I must get cable back... UNLESS when I call tomorrow and confess my weakness they say that it will take 10 days and I have to be at home on installation day to let the guy in to which I will have to express my utmost and extreme displeasure and say "Heelllooo... you shut it off without me having to be at home, why do I have to be there when you turn it back on?" THAT may drive me to the basement for bunny ears. Cable... what a racket...

In other news (I really like that segue), Michelle, I think that in that pic that you showed David, Ray doesn't look like a yeti but he totally reminds me of that claymation Christmas story I think it is Santa Claus is coming to town... the one with the Bergermeister Meisterberger. In a part of it beore Santa gets old he has that total red hair/red beard thing going on. He must NEVER know these discussions have occurred... of course old ms pessimism assumes (I have had a hard time spelling that word tonight) I will never hear from him again so who knows...

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