Sunday, July 30, 2006
Gloomy gus
I did have fun tonight, though. We started the night at Purr where I met up with Big R, Isa, and some others. We met 2 new boys in the bar. They came along with us to Sugar which is a newish dance club (also gay). I did, however, run into several people I know and one of my favorite bartenders from the other bar was there. Apparently the other bar 'is moving in a new direction' and they laid him off. Poor guy. He's a good bartender too. Ok I'm off to bed. Maybe I'll finish this thought later, although probably I won't.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I got done at 3:00 and then came home. I immediately went back out and joined Big R & Isa downtown. We ate at this BBQ place downtown that isn't as good as Jones and was also arctic. We wandered around downtown for a while. I gave my left over dinner to a homeless guy. We were supposed to go out to night (speak of the devil there's the ring) but I'm begging off. I'm exhausted. I've been up forever and although it would be fun to go out, I'm just so damn tired. (Oh who am I kidding... I'm changing see y'all later) :)
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tag I'm it!
1. LAST MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN IN A THEATRE? Pirates of the Caribbean 2
2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? with a guy? 6 months. with a TV show 10 years. :)
3. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU DROPPED YOUR CELL PHONE? more than is probably good for it.
4. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? fruit for breakfast
5. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? 3rd finger on the left hand. :)
6. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Seattle (it's a big place)
13. BIGGEST LIE YOU HAVE HEARD? I turned that form in.
16. NAME SOMETHING STUPID YOU HAVE CRIED ABOUT? Hallmark Commercials. Damn them!
17. MOST DISLIKED FOOD: Food that is green. :)
20. FAVORITE MOVIE? There's a bunch... right now I'll go with Beauty & The Beast, Mary Poppins and 50 First Dates.
21. NAME ONE BAD HABIT? I'm lazy (and so I'm messy)
23. LAST MOVIE RENTED: I can't remember. I get cable.
24. THING YOU NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT? My backpack (which houses a bunch of crap)
25. FAVORITE VACATION SPOT? The coast (of Oregon, of California of Alaska, of Hawai'i whatever. :) )
26. WHAT DO YOU DRIVE? Flexcar
27. DO YOU HAVE PETS? Ferrets, Tess & Rigby
28. NAME 3 THINGS YOU HATE. 1. being gluten intolerant (sometimes) 2. headaches 3. Satan
31. WHO SLEEPS WITH YOU EVERY NIGHT? Wicket the stuffed Ewok
32. FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Varies but usually something with chocolate.
36. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Baked in a cake or pie
39. PICK A LYRIC, ANY LYRIC OF A SONG? I've got another confession to make, I'm your fool.
40. TELL ME 2 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF. 1. I'm a picky eater & I hate just about every green food. 2. I once had a drowning scare when I was like 8 or 10 and in a pool without a lifeguard.
44. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING? 8:05. Very bad since I am supposed to be at work at 8:00.
46. LAST TIME A COP GAVE YOU A TICKET? in 03 when I got pulled over for speeding.
47. DO YOU THINK PIRATES ARE COOL OR OVERRATED? On TV or movies cool. On ships off the African Coast, dangerous.
48. WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND? Volunteering and doing some other stuff.
49. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW? Green sweater, white tank top, blue jeans, 1 brown sandal, 1 ugly black & gray boot.
If you want to go, have at it. :)
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Aqua Jogging and other stuff
Which brings me to other stuff... At the risk of sounding like my father who is 70 and old and grumbly, when did going to the pool become so damn expensive? I don't just mean for my class (which is $4.75 a session. I can't decide if that is good or bad, but the one regular gym in my neighborhood that does have a pool doesn't offer hydrofit classes at all or else I'd join that which would be less. Ok I might not join that becuase it is 24 hour fitness and the one downtown is like the mecca of the gays, but I've digressed) I don't just mean for my class, but going swimming. At the pool in the ghetto, it is $2.75 for kids to go swimming. Now it is indoors and it does have a neat rope swing thing to jump in with, but it does not have a high dive. Growing up my mom could drop my sister and I off at the pool with $2.00 each and this paid for our entrance into the pool (.25 until we were like 12 then .50) and snacks during the 'adult swim' portion of the afternoon. Adult swim was this really really long time when the kids all had to be out of the pool and the grown ups got to swim laps. (Honestly it was like 15 minutes but when you're 10, that's a REALLY long time.) Interestingly enough now that my hometown has an indoor pool (blech) the rates are now $3.00 to get in for children. That's some kind of inflation. I realize we're speaking of a 20 (gulp) year time span, but that seems like quite the jump. (Ok I'll give in a tiny bit because the new facility apparently has waterslides.)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Disappointed in my state
The couples based their claim to marriage on specific principles of constitutional law. Central to their claim was that the ban on same-sex marriage violates the state constitution's "privileges and immunities" clause, which requires that any privilege offered to one group be offered to all.
Those defending the law argued that the statute served a legitimate purpose in that the state has an interest in protecting children, and thus in the relationships that produce them.
But the couples called DOMA a scheme "that favors one class of children, not because of the way they were created but because of the identity of their parents."
I can't believe that the argument about children succeeded. I'm appalled that the perfectly rational and legal argument of the constitutionality based on the privileges and immunities clause failed in light of the histrionics of "Think of the children?" Thus far there is no evidence to support the argument that children need a parent of each gender. It is a sad day to me today.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
You're my obsession...
1 - I have been rebooted. I went back to my sports medicine guy and he gave me a new boot which is good. We are going to try to have me wear it for 6 weeks without doing the not wear it at work thing. That's okay but a little sad because it is freaking hot and it is freaking hot in the boot. I think I want to find a water aerobics class. Is that still done? I think I need to go to a class because that will force me to go regularly. I don't want to join a gym though because I can just go to my employer's gym for free, but they don't offer like water aerobics or anything like that.
2 - My computer at home is running slow. Any ideas? I'm no where near full of memory stuff. I ran the adware thing and the disk defragmenter.
3 - While swimming at the beach on Sunday I noticed an inordinate number of men on the dock sporting well... you know... :) Is this caused by a change in water temperature or an inability to control themselves around hot chicks in bikinis? Someone suggested it was just the way the bathing suits pooched out but sometimes the trunks weren't the sort that would allow you to believe that theory.
4 - I've been looking for new books to read since I'm going to the library today. I consulted Sprightly Chicks Read and Miska's book list and got some ideas but I also looked at's lists. Here's what I noticed. Many of the lists had mostly the same books on them. I can't decide if it is because those are Amazon employees and they are just spouting off the ones that are featured right now or if it is because I am looking at books that are similar and so the lists are all simliar. The problem is, though, that none of the lists deviate from their 'style.' If I were to do a list there would be a wide variety of books on there from Andrew Vachss who writes 'hard boiled' crime to chick lit by Jennifer Wiener and then the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. I would think that other readers have a variety of reading choices and not just one genre. Of course, maybe they streamline their lists to appeal to a specific style, but the problem is I'm looking for something different than what I usually read. So to see a person who has multiple genres would be good I could think oh they liked Good in Bed AND they liked this other author, maybe I will too. So my question to you, dear readers, is what have you read recently that you loved?
Monday, July 24, 2006
People really do read those things
Dear Joanne:
It's a rare person who takes the time to compliment. Thank you for being that person!
We find it especially gratifying to receive compliments like yours about our service. We strive hard to provide exceptional service as we realize it is the foundation of building long-lasting business relationships. Your comments will be forwarded to our Tukwila restaurant staff so they also may share in your kind remarks and know how proud we are of their service excellence.We know you have a choice when it comes to selecting a restaurant, and we appreciate your having chosen us. Our ongoing commitment is treating you like a valued member of the Olive Garden family.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My biscuits is burned!
There was this group of straight youngish guys next to us on the beach. They were HYSTERICAL. They first were discussing girls and I can't believe I actually heard "You finger her?" and worse the answer of "No, we just made out." (Actually that's the better answer I think because it could've been much much worse.) They then talked about penis size which was weird. In my mind I kept thinking, do straight guys REALLY talk about this shit? And then they moved on to sex toys. It was so weird. After the straight boys left 2 gay guys appeared. I didn't realize it at first but one of those was one of V's friends. I noticed it as we left actually and we chatted for a minute. I can't escape the gays. No matter what. :) I can't believe I forgot the funniest thing one of the straight guys said about penis size. They were talking about some friend of theirs and apparently he is little and self conscious about it. (I can't imagine why given these boys) but his girlfriend once said "I like it. It is the perfect size to fill my little hole." I so badly wanted to bust out laughing, but I refrained. It was seriously hysterical.
After the beach we went to Jones BBQ for dinner. It was yummy again. I had hotlinks and chicken. (They were out of brisket and ribs. Next time I'm totally having the brisket. I never knew brisket could be good. My mom always made it the Polish or German way by boiling the shit out of it and it would still be this hard as a rock gross meat product. Not good. The Jones BBQ was awesome.) I had so much hotlinks & chicken left over I have lunch for the next 2 days of this stuff. I think I'll bring tortillas to go with it.
The ferrets do not like hot. (Even less than me, it is their fur coats I'm sure). I just froze a bottle of water and left it on the floor. Rig is now curled up right next to it. This is after she spent much of the afternoon in the bathtub (where she got stuck) but it was nice and cool for her.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
It seems like the perfect way to spend a ridiculously hot Saturday afternoon. I should've gone swimming with Big R. He asked if I wanted to go. But I didn't really want to spend most of the day baking my brains out at the beach. Instead I baked in my apartment. :) It is 93 degrees in here. Luckily the rest of the week it is supposed to cool off and won't be so bad. I don't want to cook and I don't really want to eat except I do want to eat. I may order Chinese food which is probably the worst thing to eat when you're hot. (Although I have read somewhere if you want to cool down eating hot things is just the way to do it.)
I've spent the day reading and napping. I'm almost done with I'm Not the New Me by Wendy McClure. It is another one off Michelle's wishlist. :) I like it. Wendy is (or was) a recapper on Television Without Pity and she keeps her own weblog as well.
Friday, July 21, 2006
A vague sense of relief
A brief snapshot into my mornings
I decided to take 'the southern' route to work today bypassing the hospitals and instead walking past a park and several more apartment buildings on my treelined walk. I watched several squirrels frolicing (and that's not a euphamism they were just playing). Whenever I walk this route it feels like I'm going to work on the wrong day because there's not a lot of action on the street. There's more people and activity along the 'northern' route. (They really aren't north/south routes since I have to walk UP to Madison I consider that north vs staying down on Union (or University I can never remember which is which) hence that one is south :) Don't question my logic.) I missed the guy who walks the big guard dog, usually I see him in the AM too. The dog guards the fancy schmancy car dealership near the U. (Cars shown by appointment only.) And after a brief jaunt past random homeless guy I was at work. I like the morning walks. (The evening ones not so much but only because right now it is hot by then.)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
A little less deep
I may be moving on to a new work crush or 2. These most definitely will be the unrequited kind as opposed to the crushes with potential if I just waited around until I died (or set the precedent of making every move which I'm unwilling to do) which my current one was. There's one boy who works in my building who is just fun to look at. I must be very discreet, though, as I work in human resources and it would be very bad to get in trouble for sexual harrassment. :)
The adrenaline rush of getting up at 7:24 when your alarm is supposed to go off at 6:15 (it did but I think I turned it off) is quite a jolt. Somehow I managed to get to work on time which is even weirder when you consider how often I'm late to work in the morning. And I think I look kind of cute today in khaki capris and a sort of robin's egg blue button down shirt and brown sandals.
I went with Big R, Isa and MichelleC to dinner last night. We went to the Deluxe to get burgers on the hill. I had never been there before, but on Wednesday nights their burger plate is only $4.99 (but you have to buy a drink which is $1.85 so it isn't REALLY $4.99). The peppered bacon and Tillamook cheddar chicken sandwich (you can replace a grilled chicken breast for the burger for an extra dollar) was really good. And then I saw the best thing ever on their menu... flourless chocolate cake. YUM! It was lovely. The guy who seated us was hot. Incredibly hot. Dark hair pale eyes kind of guy. We were musing about whether or not he was gay (you know since EVERYBODY on the hill is the gay). I could swear I saw him check out Isa (boys are NOT subtle). So while we were eating, Big R asked our waitress if he was gay or straight. She laughed and said she had no idea and that had actually been a topic of conversation among the waitstaff as the guy had only been there 3 weeks. She thinks he is straight. Hee. Big R wanted to ask him, but I reminded him how pissed he was when a guy asked him outright at the law school one day.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
What drives it?
Thanks to the FSH of a post-menopausal woman (now you dear intenets know more about my girlie bits than my own mother does, of course she's crazy so why would I tell her that), I have been told it will be difficult if not impossible to conceive by myself. (Well it would actually impossible to conceive by MYSELF, but I suppose it would be difficult if not impossible to conceive naturally without artificial means is the proper way to say that). And I've known this for years. I've suspected it for even longer. When you have 3 periods in a year naturally, you kind of suspect something is wrong but student health insurance really doesn't investigate that too thoroughly. (And to be honest, I haven't bothered pursuing it too much either because well I'm lazy and I hate the girlie bits doctors.)
Which brings me back to the point of this whole post... What drives such a strong desire to pass on one's own DNA? Is it because I'm not currently married to a man who I love with all my heart and want to see his brown eyes replicated on a little person that I don't understand? Or is it because I was 'lucky' enough to discover this issue long before it was an issue so I've had years to come to grips? (And goodness knows, I may luck out and bang get knocked up on my first time condomless and this whole thing could be moot.)
Monday, July 17, 2006
Bag a bunch of book reviews
One of the first books I devoured recently was the sequel to Dan Savage's book The Kid. This one is The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage and My Family. This one was also excellent. I like his style, he is very straight forward. This one picks up several years after The Kid does and he and his partner Terry are planning their 10 year anniversary. In gay boy world that's like a 50th anniversary. He talks a lot of politics in the story but there's a lot of warmth and heart and I think I might have shed a tear or two with this book. I highly recommend him.
I also read quickly The Answer is Yes. I also really enjoyed this one. Amazon gives it a favorable review also I see. Basically it is the story of a young woman in a new town whose husband is a bit distant and how she really wants to be happy. She ends up at the Institute of Affirmation which holds adult classes in things like Making Miracles. It is mostly her quest to find herself and she manages to find all sorts of happiness along the way. I really enjoyed it.
I picked up Something Borrowed after I discovered that Something Blue (which I previously read) was actually the sequel to it. I shouldn't have liked this book. I'm against books about affairs (although the couple was not yet married so that is a bit more of a gray area to me but they were engaged). But there was something about this book that made me like it. Maybe it was that the main character was always being upstaged by her best friend and I could relate to that. (Not currently, but in high school my best friend was the pretty one and the one who went out with the guys I liked and the one who just seemed to have all the breaks.) So I think I liked the aspect that I really could understand where the girl was coming from. Strangely, even though I read Something Blue first, I think I liked this order almost better. I know the aftermath of the affair and then got to see how we got there. I don't know that I would've liked the stories had I read them the other way around, but since the 2nd book really focuses on Darcy (the slighted best friend) I feel like I knew her better than in the 1st book.
I checked out Correcting the Landscape because I found it on Peeved Michelle's wishlist from Amazon. She and I have somewhat similar tastes in books so when I'm desperate for an author I look up her wishlist and 9 times out of 10 she has a bunch of new books on there, many of which seem interesting so I can check them out. :) This one, at least so far, was not interesting. In fact it was so not interesting I put it down after about the 3rd chapter. I don't think I like the author's writing style.
One other I read was Cover the Butter. I found it on the new books shelf and thought it looked interesting. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be based on the descriptor although now that I've read some of the Amazon reviews I think that might have been just me. :) (Or it is because I've been reading a lot of Thursday Next books where anything can happen). It was solid and I did feel bad for the main character a lot of the book, but I don't know that I enjoyed it. I didn't hate it enough to put it down though so that's a good thing. :)
Finally I've been working through the Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. (And again when I went to search for these books on Amazon I typed in Fforde, Jas and couldn't get the damn books. Seriously there's a conspiracy. But I digress. I'm now working on #2 in the series but I've already read 3 & 4 (honestly, if an author is going to do a series they should be numbered in an obvious way, and I realize that publishing dates is kind of obvious but somehow I missed that and got 3 & 4 before 2 and just decided to read those first.). I really like these books. I think they're very smart reading and just really fun. I can't explain why I like them so much, I just do. :)
Moving on up...
Pro: I could buy a house with a yard at less than I'm paying currently in rent. According to a coworker who lives there now, Bremerton is working very hard on cuteing themselves up and making the area more attractive to people as a place to move to so if I were to get in now the potential is there for this to be a very good buy. There is still public transportation out there so I may still be able to avoid car ownership.
Con: 1 hour ferry ride every day to go to work and back. I'd be much farther away from my friends than I currently am and this, I suspect, would start to limit my social activities on the weekends. Oh and did I mention the 1 hour ferry ride to work and 1 hour home? That would require me to catch the ferry at 6:20 AM to get to Seattle by 7:20 and then catch the bus up the hill. I just don't know about that. (Even if I owned a car the ferry ride would be necessary because the only other way would be to drive down south by Tacoma and drive back up) There is a Kitsap fast ferry that would only be 40 minutes and it leaves at a good time for me, but if I were to miss that one... I'd be stuck and late for work. I just don't know. Also the ferry is expensive (less expensive than owning a car but still over 100 bucks/mo in transportation costs, although I just checked at public safety and I can get a reduced ferry pass through the U and keep my regular bus pass so it is a slightly less con).
What do you think? I may need to change my upcoming Sunday adventure to a field trip to Bremerton so that I can really see what it is like out there and how the walking distances are.
Crikey I'm exhausted!

Bon Odori

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Oregon pics!

The beach first thing in the morning. I did wade in it a little while. The water seemed pretty cold. The waves were a lot bigger than they were at Nahalem Bay. It surprised me. I didn't get a chance to go in (I took a nap instead), but next year when we go I think I'm going to.

On the drive down and back we ate at Burgerville. Their burgers are awesome. I even wrote a comment card because I was so impressed by the fact that they not only understood the whole "no bun" thing, they actually presented my bunless burger in a nice way. The same guy was there both on the ride down and on the way back so that was a tad embarrassing. The girls were teasing me that he liked me. He was not nearly as yummy as Park Ranger Dimples. (plus I don't know if he was even over 20.) The funny thing about this trek to Burgerville, we missed the one we went to last year in Centralia. Michelle suggested we get off at a random exit figuring there'd be one. As we drove past these guys outside with a sign and she asked him if there was one nearby. It was totally like 4 blocks away. We laughed our ass off.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Oregon pics! Set 2

Check out our dinner cooking! Per tradition the girls got seafood. The oysters are Daisy's and Isa's and the crab is one of theirs. They all get them. Down near the fire, please note the silver foil. That was my attempt at a baked potato. It didn't work out so I ended up cooking them in a cast iron skillet over the fire.

Foo Fighters Concert
The show was mostly acoustic (although I don't think it was 'technically' acoustic as they were using amps or microphones of some sort for their instruments and I thought I saw an electric guitar down there so I think that makes it not acoustic.). I was in the nosebleed section, though, so it could've just been my eyes. The volunteers get to see the show from the chairs behind the very back row in the theater. The theater only holds 2600, though so it isn't like I'm in the back row at Dodger Stadium or something. I think it is more like the Wiltern in LA. (Looking at the Wiltern's webpage that theater has about 2300 seats so it is similar). The music was great, although I think I started to doze off during some of their more quiet numbers. They did 1 encore (which I'm against encores, just play the damn show you want to play and don't make us (the crowd) beg you for more). During their encore, though, they played Best of You. I think this might actually be my favorite song they do. Dave Grohl did it all on his own, just him and his guitar. It was amazing. It would be the one time I wished I had my cellphone or something to record with (not that I would know how to move a message off my cellphone onto the computer even if I managed to record it onto my voicemail, but you know). They did one more song as a final closing and then we were off. I got home by 11:15 but was kind of keyed up and couldn't sleep until 12:30. Now I'm paying for it. zzzz.... :)
I think I'm going to have to go online and figure out how to download a song onto my computer. (I used to do it illegally. I no longer do so I have to find a pay place). The biggest problem is that my MP3 player is older. It still works great and has a huge ass memory so I don't feel I need or want a new one, but finding a music download program that supports it seems to be difficult. This honestly bugs on many levels. Even my own damn computer doesn't recognize it for what it is, and just thinks it is a mass storage device. Since I refuse to buy the Foo Fighters CD becuase of the protection software that is packed on it, I have to find an alternate means to acquire the music. And Itunes is out also (see above issue about older MP3 player). Blargh.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I like it when a plan falls into place.
Anyway, I digress, so I got home from camping last night (with obviously a resolve to move to Oregon) and discovered much to my consternation that the parking garage the Flexcar is supposed to be parked in is closed on Sundays. Aha! How Flexcar manages to do this weekend 100 thing... they're getting more $$ out of the deal. Now I'm a little worried, I have to find a place to park it and then leave early to take it back. I don't like to park on the street because I don't know how to parallel park (well and I'm neurotic) so I go to find one of the pay parking lots that are all around us. Two of them have closed down and the 3rd is a combined pay lot/employee parking so during the workday it is an employee parking lot. Starting at 6:00 AM.
I drive around a bit and find a spot all on its own (between 2 driveways) that doesn't require mad parallel parking skillz and I pull in. Now I'm all angst ridden because I don't remember the rules about the meters. I KNOW on the weekend you don't have to use them because parking is free, but I don't know what time that changes in the AM and all that. Plus, I'm just neurotic so I worry, why did I find such a great space open? But I park and hope. This morning I get out of the apartment at an alarmingly early 7:15 and go up to get the car. It is, of course, still there and no ticket in sight. Phew.
As I'm driving to drop it off I look down at my button down shirt. Something is odd. I can't figure out what it is. Then I notice... I have buttoned it one button off. So while sitting at the light at Madison and Boren I start the button change. Manage to get it fixed as I go down Madison. (I wasn't about to undo them all so I did one at a time.) Returned the car successfully and then walked 3 blocks to the #2 bus. The 'Meth express' was full as always but as soon as it dropped off at the hospital (a lot of people work at the hospital and 2 stops later is a methadone clinic where about 10 people get off the bus) the crowd thinned out quite a bit. I even managed to get to work early, how is that possible? :)
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I want to live in Oregon!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Je fait du camping
When I get back it will take me awhile to post again because I stupidly set up volunteering for Monday night and Tuesday night with The Paramount ushering for Foo Fighters and Dashboard Confessional concerts. I am rather excited about both of those shows too. The great thing about volunteering for the theater is that I get to attend the shows so... :) Both nights will be late nights for me.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
A kiss to build a dream on
According to Dreammoods:
Coworker: To see your coworkers in your dream, highlights aspects of your waking relationship with them, including difficulties/support. It signifies your ambition, struggles and competitive nature. (ooh that is not good)
Kiss: To dream of a kiss, denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment. (hmm) If you are kissing a close friend, then it represents your respect and adoration for your friend. It may or may not signify a romantic interest for him or her. (except he isn't a close friend) If you are kissed by a stranger, then your dream is one of self-discovery. You need to get more acquainted with some aspect of yourself. (but he isn't really a total stranger either. Where's the part about kissing a random acquaintance??)
Bunk Bed: To see bunk beds in your dream, represents childhood and innocence. Alternatively, it may refer to diverging and conflicting views of sexuality. You may have difficulties expressing your needs and desires. (so I want to be kissing this coworker in real life? Or do I want to kiss a female coworker? What does this mean?)
Cabin: To dream that you are in or see a cabin in your dream, indicates that you succeed via your own means. It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life. (Well, at least 1 easy thing. I do prefer simpler things in life. :) )
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Kubota Gardens

Big Rock. You can't see it (or barely can) but there are Japanese characters carved into the rock. According to the brochure, that is a brief history of the garden carved into the rock. I took a rubbing of some of the characters. Also very cool. :)
Pretty purple and pink flowers. I don't know what kind they are but I like 'em.
One of many waterfalls in the park. They were all tucked in and kind of hidden so you could hear them and just see them. They were really peaceful and cute. I sat and had lunch at the top of this one. It was just so nice.
I don't know what these flowers are either, but I really like them. They are purple and just sooo pretty.
Japanese Maple tree. I really really love these trees. I love how cool their trunks twist. I love the featheryness of their leaves. But most of all I love how their leaves and branches make little hidden places. Y'all know how I LOVE little hidden places. If I ever get my own back yard, I'm going to plant several of them and hold tea parties with my kids under them.
Dragonfly! There were 2 of these guys buzzing all around a pond. They were so pretty! Their bodies were an electric bluish (similar in color actually to my tattoo) and their wings were black tipped. It took me forever just to get this picture. I also annoyed a girl who was sitting behind me under a tree on a cell phone. She was clearly having a disagreement with someone or other. She eventually moved her conversation to another rock.

Saturday, July 01, 2006
3 reviews - 2 good 1 bad
I checked out from the library the book The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Get Pregnant by Dan Savage. Dan Savage is a syndicated sex columnist whose column I've read periodically but sometimes the letters he gets freak me out. :) He wrote this book about the open adoption process that he and his significant other experienced. I started this book last night at 10:30 and finished at 2:30 AM. It was that good. I couldn't put it down. I laughed at a few parts. I cried at a few parts. I loved it and now I'm looking forward to one of his other books about gay marriage.
Finally, earlier this week I went and saw Superman Returns. I didn't like it. I was mostly bored. I didn't like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. I called one of the plot points right off the bat. And I fundamentally cannot believe that the people he (Clark & Superman) are so incredibly stupid that they cannot put together Clark's 5 year absence and Superman's 5 year absence and not at least ask the question. I did, however, see it in the Cinerama which is quickly becoming my favorite theater. The seats are comfy and plush and rock.