Yay! Blogger is finally working and I can post the first part of the camping pics. Basically these are in order of the day and a half we spent actually camping.

Here's our campsite the first morning. Three tents for 4 girls, we are a little silly aren't we? :) Our spot was actually rather nice and kind of cut off from the rest of the units. One thing I noticed that I did like was that all the campsites that I saw had some sort of bushes growing around them so there was a little privacy.
The beach first thing in the morning. I did wade in it a little while. The water seemed pretty cold. The waves were a lot bigger than they were at Nahalem Bay. It surprised me. I didn't get a chance to go in (I took a nap instead), but next year when we go I think I'm going to.

I like these rocks on the coast. I'm not sure what area they are in but they are just so cool jutting out of the water with the little trees.

You can't see but the truck in front of the white truck is a hay truck and towing horses. We were in a 45 mile zone doing 16 fucking miles per hour. (Yes I wrote that in with photoshop, apparently the fancy speedometer doesn't photograph well.) Since the roads are so curvy and hilly on the coast there are not too many places to pass. We were stuck behind this guy for fucking ever. I wanted to ram someone.

An interesting thing happened in the evening. Our campsite was rather near the path to the beach and all these people were walking by getting ready to go to the beach to watch the sunset over the beach. And once we got to the beach there were a TON of people standing and watching the sunset. This is Isa, Michelle & me waiting for the sunset. Michelle was still eating her corn. :)

Daisy, Michelle & Isa now waiting for the sunset. This year we failed to get a group picture of us which does not make me happy but life goes on.
On the drive down and back we ate at Burgerville. Their burgers are awesome. I even wrote a comment card because I was so impressed by the fact that they not only understood the whole "no bun" thing, they actually presented my bunless burger in a nice way. The same guy was there both on the ride down and on the way back so that was a tad embarrassing. The girls were teasing me that he liked me. He was not nearly as yummy as Park Ranger Dimples. (plus I don't know if he was even over 20.) The funny thing about this trek to Burgerville, we missed the one we went to last year in Centralia. Michelle suggested we get off at a random exit figuring there'd be one. As we drove past these guys outside with a sign and she asked him if there was one nearby. It was totally like 4 blocks away. We laughed our ass off.
P.S. That's not me.
Great photos. What a beautiful beach!
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