I bought three new shirts at the fat chick store this weekend. I'm very pleased with them. Two of them are like the pic. One is that color actually and the other is a deep purply color. Michelle, you would be impressed because they actually fit properly. I bought the correct size for me instead of what I would usually do which is buy the next size up because I feel more comfortable in floaty clothes. Because of the (Oh I don't know the word for this but where they tuck it in to make it more form fitting) because of that, the size larger looked really bad on me. I'm wearing the purple one today and I've already received several compliments on them. :) Yay!

So this brings me to a whole other topic, Big R doesn't like it that I call Lane Bryant the fat chick store. He says I'm denigrating myself. I don't view it that way at all. I use it merely as a descriptor. I am a fat chick. The store caters to me. So it is a fat chick store. It isn't like I say fat chick with some sort of disdain. It is more like a badge and I own it you know. What do you think?
A) I'm only less fat, not skinny. :) And thank you, but no - you know I loathe Disney, right? :)
B) I bet the purple looks really good on you. I've seen those shirts. They did not work on me but I liked the silkiness of them.
C) I believe you're referring to darts.
D) I was appalled that LB was selling cookie mixes, etc, but now they also sell exercise clothes so I'm back to being okay with them.
E)My new zebra-ish shirt is from there and I adore it.
Very cute shirt and I am proud of you for buying the proper size.
Big R only thinks you are denigrating yourself by calling it the fat chick store because he is ashamed of his own size. He would probably prefer to be called Medium R.
Yay to KtP for also hating Disney. Well, I don't actually hate Disney, but I am indifferent.
is it even worse that i shop in "lane giant"?
We have a fat chick store here in Canada. It's called Pennington's but I call it Porkington's. I love that store and it's where I buy most of my clothes.
They taught me to buy the proper size for me (I, like you, prefer one size up) and I've been asked if I lost weight because my clothes are more fitted now.
I think it's okay for fat chicks to make fat references, but not okay for skinny chicks to do it. I'm a hyprocrite that way.
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