Saturday, February 10, 2007

No homelessss penisss

I went to dinner tonight with littlehands (the coworker I go camping with. I used to use her real name but she'd rather I didn't. Although littlehands still is fairly descriptive) and Big R and flower (also of the girls' annual camping trip although rarely mentioned because I only really see her on very rare occasions). Our other friend, formerly of the cult of the virgins(and the 4th camper on the annual camping trip), has a new boyfriend and she was having us all get together to meet him and a couple of his friends were there too. The guy seems nice enough. She's all excited because this is her first real boyfriend. They're moving at the speed of sound, seriously they met last week. He sent her roses this week for their 1 week of meeting anniversary. If it were me I'd have zoomed right out of there. But she's happy, so we're supportive. And he's WAY better than the last guy she was seeing. (They never had the all important boyfriend/girlfriend talk hence he was not a boyfriend). He was telling her how lucky she is because he's so understanding about the virgin thing. Honestly, any time a guy tells you how lucky you are to have him, clearly you aren't. (Similarly if they have to tell you how good a product is in the name, it isn't a good product. Try My-Tee Fine Ice Cream sometime and you'll see what I'm talking about - Michelle knows.) There were many many other red flags, but that's the most glaring.

We went to this Mediterranean place down in Belltown. It was pretentious and the portions were tiny. If I'm shelling out 17 bucks for food, I want to be kind of full. (I do realize that in the pretentious world 17 bucks isn't that much but I could fill up at Applebees or Chilis or any one of a number of chain places for 17 bucks including tip so... becuase I'm a Philistine that's my basis of comparison). Also, it wasn't that good. Actually the steak on the kabobs was good (there were all of 6 pieces of steak on the two kabobs.) but just not enough. The rice tasted like soap.

My side of the table, littlehands, Big R & flower were all chatting about our own stuff and somehow we got to talking about witnessing peeing in public. Apparently flower saw some woman on Broadway just totally drop trou and bend over and pee. Sadly, I could top this with the guy on the bus who peed. He just stood in the aisle and peed. Luckily, he didn't drop trou, though, so I didn't have to see homeless penis. :)

Big R also pissed me off greatly this evening. He tends to just talk sometimes. And talk and talk. He thinks he is being funny but really he's just annoying as fuck. We were crossing the street passing two straight guys and he growled and babbled some stupid bitchy thing and so I ended up shouting at him to shut the fuck up. He just kept babbling. I'm fine with conversation but not with people who require constant talk. Sometimes silence is okay.


Peeved Michelle said...

You are such a liar. If a guy sent you roses after one week, you would get all melty inside.

Oh, and I believe it is My-T-Fine, but wasn't there another brand called Dee-lish or something like that?

Joanne said...

I'll concede a 1/2 point. If a guy sent me flowers because we had a great date and he was saying that he's looking forward to our next date blah blah blah (ala How to lose a guy in 10 days) that would make me mushy. If a guy sent me flowers celebrating the 1 week 'anniversary' of the day we met... that would weird me out.

I think there was a Dee-Lish brand also. Damn we bought the cheap ice cream in Fairbanks. :)

Kate the Peon said...

I'm with Jo on the flower thing here. And I love the title of this post (and all the new categories).