Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm a grown up dammit!

Whenever I don't do something I'm scheduled to do I get all weird about it. Like no matter what I should do the task. Tonight I skipped belly dancing. I skipped it in part because I didn't feel like going. The other part is that I'm really uncomfortable doing things in front of the group and she always has us do one or two things in front of the group. If I were comfortable doing the moves it might not be so bad, but I never feel ready to dance in front of the others and I have to do it. I feel like I sound like a petulant child. Waaahhh I don't wanna... I don't wanna... I don't wanna... But in reality, I'm a grown up. If I don't want to do some things, I don't have to, you know? (Of course part of the whole force myself to do things is that I know I'm lazy... So sometimes I have to force myself to do things because I know I'm going to be lazy and not do anything.) But nothing bad is going to happen if I skip class. Nobody is going to judge me. There is no cosmic score sheet I'm now in the red on.

March is again the volunteer month from hell. I'll be selling cookies at 4 different site sales. I have the Firefighter Stair Climb on the 4th. I decided to volunteer for the Big Climb on the 18th and then just in case I had nothing else to do, I'm pouring beer again at brewfest on the 24th. Of course these are all annual gigs so it isn't anything new. (Well the Big Climb is new but it is the same as the Firefighter Stair Climb except it is regular people in regular clothes not fireboys in firesuits.)

I had the best dinner tonight! I had a hamburger on a bun! And french fries! It was awesome. :)

There's a new law being looked at here in Washington. They're considering letting dogs into public places if the shop/restaurant/bar says it is okay. I can't believe how against this I am. I know I have dog issues because I'm surrounded by jackass owners. Between the barker across the hall and the damn owners who don't clean up the poo when they are supposed to I'm about done with dog owners. And the reality is, the guys who will be bringing their dogs into the bars or restaurants... they are the owners who don't control their dogs to begin with. These are the folks whose dogs are not on leashes and who don't respond to voice command. Or the dogs who bite people or other dogs and then the owners demand to know what YOU did to provoke them. It is infuriating. I know there are plenty of good, responsible owners, but damn the bad ones that I'm surrounded by really REALLY poison me against dogs. Of course, to me, the other part of why the law is stupid is that not everybody likes dogs... They shouldn't be forced upon people who may not want to deal with them. (Which one cafe owner commented on. She said if the law were to be passed, she wouldn't change her rules. She accepts that some dog owners may decide to not patronize her shop anymore but at the same time she wants to be more supportive of ALL her customers.)

I really like the new Mac/PC commercial about new Vista where you have to verify almost everything that you do. It makes me chuckle.

I do not like how when I'm using tabbed browsing in IE7, I can't use the tab key or the alt-tab like I'm used to to jump from tab to tab.


Kate the Peon said...

I always feel guilty when I don't finish a book that sucks. But then I, too, realize I'm a grownup damnit!

Jodi said...

As a dog owner, I totally respect your opinion and I agree that it will probably be the asshole owners that bring their dogs into establishments. One of my three dogs is unmanageable in certain situations, so I don't go there. For one of the other ones, a lot of situations freak her out, so I don't go there for her sake.

I'll be curious to see what happens in your state.

... said...

Okay...I love the commercial with the mac and pc is so funny even though I am a pc user. I don't like MS very much (but use them) and I think vista is going to be a nightmare at first.

What is tab browsing....have never heard of it and now I am curious.

Regarding the dogs....I think that would be a silly what are the cat (and other species) owners supposed do and what about people that are allergic? I mean we can't eat peanuts on planes for christsake but somehow bringing animals into the store (other than petsmart) is okay?

My apologies in advance to any peanut allergy sufferers out there.

Lastly, Jo, you exhaust me with your volunteering...I wish I had your drive to do good, really I do. I am lucky to be able to help out on the Blogger groups board...

Peeved Michelle said...

I wouldn't bring my dog even if she was allowed. Even though she is a good dog, she is a butt/crotch sniffer and most people tend to hate that.

Unknown said...

I leave my dogs at home because they are pains in the asses. But, if they were better behaved, I would totally love to take them to bars and restaurants with outdoor seating. But, probably not inside those places.

P'nut said...

I totally understand why you skipped class. I think it's uncool to force students to do something in front of the whole class... it should be on a volunteer basis. Some people get into a comfort zone faster than others.

By the way, I got your comment and was going to email you with my new URL but I didn't see an email on your profile so you can just get my new blog address from Michelle (Sorry, I don't want to leave it here).