Monday, April 19, 2004

Tuliptour continued...

So Matt and I go into Tulip Town. It is pretty. There are fields of tulips. Life is good. We wander around then sit down for an ice cream. At the appropriate time, we get back on the bus and wait. And wait. And wait... one person has not come back. She (being Linda) gets off and wanders around Tulip Town looking for her. This is a ridiculous endeavor for 2 reasons... 1 - I don't think tourguidelinda would recognize delinquint tourist if she had to pick her up out of a line up. 2 - It would be like wandering the mall parking lot looking for your husband who parked the car somewhere but you don't know where... So... tourguidelinda decides to leave without delinquint. We are pulling out of the parking lot when delinquint tourist shows up. (Remember this story).

We're now off to Rozengaarde fields (there is no link, sorry). We pull in and are given an hour to wander the grounds. As before, rows and rows of tulip fields. Best irony thus far, the people standing in the rows getting their picture taken right next to the "Do not enter rows" sign. Now at this point Matt (who is from this area) and I are discussing the tulip fields and the purpose since they are mostly open and on their way to being done. I was under the mistaken impression that these fields are for cut flowers. They are not. They are for bulbs and he explained how the bulbs multiply blah blah blah I won't give you a whole lot here because although it is interesting when you're standing there, it isn't THAT interesting. This fascinates me, though because on the boat down there is a whole discussion about not picking the blooms because that's stealing. When I thought these were for cut flowers, I could totally see that. In the video we are shown on the bus on the way back, they show the farm guys just picking the heads and dumping them into big trashbags... I guess I could see that if people in the first weeks picked all the ones they wanted there would be nothing for the rest of us to see, but you know... Anyway, we're wandering around the gardens. They have a fairly nice display of all their different varieties. We have decided that we like the Queen of the Night variety the best. They are a really dark purple, almost black. So I suggest we have someone take our picture in front of some tulips. Matt gets all snarky about how they already think we're a couple don't encourage them... So I was like fine, and we went into the gift shop, and then he says, well, just because I said I didn't want to doesn't mean I won't do it. Boys... even gay boys. So we go over to this one area. Did I happen to pick the part of the gardens with NO tourists?? Apparently. I accost a nice little old lady who takes our picture. As we're getting back on the bus, tourguidelinda remarks to me that I have gotten some sun. I just smile in that, really? tell me something I don't know way, and Matt comments, that I really only have 2 colors red and white (which is one of my favorite phrases to describe myself). I turned and looked at him and said, yeah, that kind of thing would be why they think we're a couple.

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