Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Random Thoughts

I just watched Colonial House. It was fascinating and made me cry a little bit. It was sad. There was a girl who was returning to the colony to be with her dad. Her fiance' had died only 5 weeks earlier. The way she ran into her dad's arms just sobbing. It was so incredibly sad to me. The mom and brother also were joining the dad. It was ultimately fascinating. I couldn't imagine doing it. Beyond the obvious computer/tv/hot running water, there's so much else I would miss. Asprin. Deoderant. Toilets that flush (and quite probably toilet paper although I don't know that for certain). The nice part about watching something on PBS... no commercials.. The bad part... No commercials. :) How can that be? I was trying to cook dinner while watching it and ended up missing several spots. I think I'm going to try to find this show again.

I hate sensationalist news. The NBC channel that I'm watching here just played up a big "investigation." Whether or not kids are being forced into AP classes. AP Classes... college prep or some insidious thing that I already forgotten. I took AP classes in high school. I turned out mostly normal. (depending on who you talk to) :)

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