Monday, June 21, 2004

Cookies & Fremont Fair

I found the best cookies ever at PCC... I have no idea what PCC stands for, so don't ask. It is one of those rock & twig co-op places in Fremont. They are made by a company whose cookies I usually don't like (Pamela's) but damn. These are good. The saddest most alarming part... $3.29 for 9 cookies. :( That's .36 per cookie. But they are yummy, and for the rare of you that have actually tasted something Gluten Free you would know that yummy is a rare thing. Most of the time I describe whether or not I like something is if that is 'not gross.' There's not a lot I've found in the GF world that's not 'not gross.'

I finished out my volunteer work at the Fremont Fair by being 'sink monitor.' This basically meant I made sure the sink drained properly. It was one of those outdoor ones provided by the same group that does the porta-potties. Apparently some of the food vendors will wash things that are too large to go down the sink and then the pump will jam. I was making sure this didn't happen. Now, for those of you that know me, you will know that beyond any other household chore, I hate... HATE doing dishes. I hate touching that squicky crap that floats in the sink when you are done. I hate everything about doing dishes so this post... nightmare for me. A couple times I had to clean that crap out. :( UGH! I realized 2 things this weekend also. Most of the festivals I've volunteered for seem to attract the smelly unwashed hippie type. Where is a nice clean upstanding republican festival? (ok I'm kidding there). Second. Even though I like to volunteer for these festivals, I don't actually like to attend them. I think volunteering lets me get out and go to them, but I don't have to actually be a participant.

My bigger boss told me about tabletop dishwashers. I am SOOO going to have to look into this.

I have been thinking about moving recently. I know I can't afford to and probably don't really want to, but my apartment is now at that messiness stage where it would be just easier to give up, throw a match in there and start over. :) Guess I know what I'm doing this coming weekend.


Peeved Michelle said...

Move back to California!

TIMMY! said...

I use to volunteer at a police station and was secruity for various festivals...I enjoyed them, but I don't think I would have gone to them either unless I was a part of it somehow.